F-15 Eagle: Soaring High!

The F-15 Eagle is a dedicated American air superiority fighter developed in the aftermath of the Vietnam War and based on the experiences gained from it. Today we’ll be talking exactly how this mighty jet will be when it comes to several nations in the “Air Superiority” major update!

F-15 Eagle: A Jet Fighter for the USA, Japan and Israel at Rank VIII


  • Capable of Mach 2.3!
  • Excellent maneuverability.
  • Advanced ordnance.
  • Countermeasures.

Vehicle History

Development of what would become the F-15 began in 1965 after the USAF issued a set of requirements for a new air superiority fighter based on the lessons learned from the Vietnam War. As part of these specifications, particular emphasis was placed on maneuverability in addition to a high top speed. Out of four companies which submitted detailed design proposals, the Air Force chose McDonnell Douglas’ submission as the winning design in 1969 and symbolically named the aircraft “Eagle”. Following the construction and subsequent testing of the first prototypes, the single-seat F-15A officially entered service with the USAF in 1976 while the twin-seat F-15B trainer was already commissioned into service in 1974.

The F-15A Eagle proved popular with foreign operators as well, being adopted by the Israeli air force while Japan even obtained licenses for Mitsubishi to produce a modified variant for the JASDF in 1978. The F-15A Eagle undertook its first combat sortie not under the American, but under the Israeli flag, taking part in military operations in Lebanon in the late 1970s and successfully downing a large number of Syrian aircraft. In the following decades, the F-15 Eagle was continuously being further developed and upgraded, leading to more advanced variants entering service. In total, over 380 F-15A Eagles were produced of which the last ones were retired from service in 2009.

Meet the F-15 Eagle!

Soon arriving to the American, Israeli and Japanese aircraft trees in the “Air Superiority” major update, the F-15 will become the new top dog of their respective trees, meaning you’ll be offered with an unmatched combination of agility and speed coupled with lethal firepower. So, let’s dive into the details!

Let’s first talk about the engine and performance. The F-15 is powered by a pair of Pratt & Whitney F100 turbofan engines, generating an impressive thrust output confirmed by the F-15’s top speed which sits at Mach 2.3 at an altitude of 36,000 ft (10,900 meters). Thanks to its extremely powerful engines, the F-15 possesses an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio which allows it to quickly climb to altitude but also to recover from energy-consuming dogfights much quicker.

Furthermore, the F-15 features a more traditional fixed wing with low wing loading, unlike the F-14. This, plus its ability to generate lift with some sections of its fuselage, gives the F-15 truly incredible agility despite its impressive size! As a result, this aircraft can perform very tight turns while losing only minimal energy in the process. This means if you enjoy the thrill of dogfighting in its purest form, you will feel right at home when flying the F-15!

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As expected, the F-15 “Eagle” certainly has sharp claws. In general, its payload options are optimized for air combat which is reflected in its impressive air-to-air missile armament, consisting of up to 4 short and 4 long range missiles. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to choose from a range of late AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles. For Japan and Israel, you’ll have access to the additional option of outfitting the F-15 with respective domestic missiles, such as the AAM-3 or Python-3.

Interesting: During the mid 1980s, the F-15A was used as a launch platform for the experimental ASM-135 anti-satellite missile.

Although the F-15 is optimized for aerial combat, it can certainly also pounce on prey found at ground level. Apart from conventional 500 and 2,000 lb bombs as well as incendiary bombs, the American and Israeli F-15 can also carry up to 3 x 2,000 lb TV-guided bombs. Rounding off the Eagle’s weapon options is the 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon which can be used to devastating effect both against aerial but also surface targets in combination with computer-aided targeting and the appropriate ammunition!

In your matches by Jan, Marketing Manager: “The addition of the F-15 is going to redefine the meta for top tier air combat. It’s fast, and it bleeds little speed thanks to its extremely powerful engines, but these must be handled responsibly. Remember that a large fuel load makes it physically impossible to do sharp maneuvers, which the F-15 is capable of at minimum load, so take care of your wings!

The F-15 Eagle is simultaneously arriving at the top rank of three nations in War Thunder when the “Air Superiority” major update is released, and each F-15 will of course have its own camouflage depending on the nation. This blog is done, but there’s still more to come. Keep an eye on the news, but until then, enjoy your matches and see you soon!

You can greatly speed up the research of the Japanese F-15 with this pack:

F-4EJ Phantom II ADTW Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • F-4EJ Phantom II ADTW (Rank VII, Japan)
  • Premium account for 20 days
  • 2500 Golden Eagles

You can greatly speed up the research of the American F-15 with this pack:

F-4S Phantom II Pack

The Kit Includes:
  • F-4S Phantom II, (Rank VII, USA)
  • Premium account for 20 days
  • 2500 Golden Eagles

Its very underwhelming. Aim9-m’s are not a match for 6 R27-ER’s that the Su-27’s are going to field. Especially when the wings of the f-15 get ripped at 11g’s which limits how well it can maneuver, but the sue 27 can pull 14 g’s and still be fine and with the long R27-er it will never get into a dog fight as it will just kill from distance. Top tier is now dead and not worth playing unless you have the Russian tech tree unlocked.


These are simple numbers…
The F-15A was inducted in 1976 and after 20 years was transferred to the US Air National Guard…
The Su-27 was introduced in 1985 and as the first in the series should come only with the R-27R variant (infra R-27T+RT).
I find it strange that they left out the MiG-25, which could be more comparable to the F-15A, but apparently Gaijin has reasons for that…
A long time ago, I noticed that Gaijin deliberately promotes imbalance…


I was hyped for the F-15 before I watched the stream.
After seeing the rather lackluster armament, the horrible radar which loses lock even more than the F-16 I kinda lost all interest. And to top it all of, wings break after slightly touching the mouse.
Truly a Russian bias moment when compared to the Flanker.


Did you think they would give the F-15 AMRAAMs?

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Mig-25? Other than appearance how is that more comparable to the F-15A?

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Unironically yes, it should have recieved AIM-120A.There is absolutely no incentive to play F-15A currently.

As both Mig-29 player and the F-16 player, I can tell you the R-27ER is a huuuuge advantage over the Sparrows and the Mig only has 2 of them. Not to mention the F-16 inability to hold lock, while the Mig-29 has no problems to change between doppler modes when the enemy starts notching. Now imagine what 6 or maybe even 8 of them will do to AIR RB on an airframe that pulls Raptor like maneuvers on the dev server AND with improved Mig 29 radar.

USA needs stand-off counter part. You can’t have a plane that can pull off insane maneuvers AND have near hypersonic stand-off capabilities as well versing planes that can’t do neither and they might even desintegrate in basic maneuvers. At least if you wish to keep some semblence of balance.

Grinding out the J-11 will be the first thing I’ll do after the patch drops. I can tell you what I won’t do after the update - grind the F-15. Complete waste of time.


You all completely forgets the fact that 27 might carry 6 27s,but they are useless. Cause everyone with part of brain will fly low to abuse multipath so radar missles are not really that useful. 27ET is not good,it goes after first flare so dont even try this argument. In the end it comes to 4 R-73s vs 4 9Ms which are incredibly strong and smokeless or the new best IR missle the AAM-3

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That is simply, not true. I get 2 kills each time I play Mig-29 at the start of the match. Every single game. I go mach 1.3, 7000m alt and launch 30km away. Targets never have enough time to descent before they get turned into dust. Sparrows don’t even come close.

And even IF everyone hugged ground 24/7, you still get a busload of unflarable R-73 on a plane that can wipe the floor with every single plane in WT in a dogfight (maybe except Gripen and F-16C).

Well anyway, no point in arguing over it further. I don’t even care that much because I will be the one doing the bullying in the Flanker.


That is just issue of you meeting idiots,i havent met anyone climbing for a while except the chinese base bombing bots at top tier. And 73 is way more flarable than 9M. Also not smokeless unlike M…

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everybody already hugs the deck and r27s are still ridiculous because of their acceleration. if you fly even a little bit above the deck you can get smacked out the air


The F-15 was designed due to the fear of the overblown information that was feed about the performance of the mig 25. So would have made sense for those two to come out together. However the Mig 25 is a pure interceptor and couldn’t out maneuver a school bus, but its fast as hell, and could get far above the area and kill from above. It would make the 104 look like it was standing still. would be really fun to see in game.

Well,27 was then made as response to F-15.

then you dont play enough top tier. tomcats climb to launch their phoenixes, migs climb to launch tws r27s, and in the center furball lots of people are above the deck


Would have to meet F-14 using phoenixes,havent seen many at all lately,usually just full sparrows as its better. When they climb they die as one of the first.

14bs def still do, especially on ec maps

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so you mean having a missile that can turn 90 degrees off the rails and get a kill doesnt make up for not having smoke ? The 9m are easily dodged if you stop flying in a straight line after dropping flairs. If you get locked by a R27 you cant flair or chaff, you cant notch, you are dead unless you run to the ground, and playing 40 feet above ground limits what you can do. I bet if they released the numbers the r27-ers have a 96% kill rate and the 9m’s probably are at 70% if that.


I agree that it should come to the game, but the SU-27 should come with the F-15 no matter what, especially since the SU-27 is an F-15 counter.

Well when thats the main way to kill another plane at this BR and one team has a clear advantage with better overall missiles its hard not to complain to want balance man. Its like if they put a P51 that only had two guns then said hey look your going to be fighting the mig 15 at this br now.

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then america should have gotten the f15e or a 1986 f15c variant to go with the su 27.