F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

The EX does use the GE-129s. It could also have used the GE-132s, which would have made it an even hotter-rod, but would have extended the testing/development longer than the Air Force could have used the rapid acquisition funds for the program. Such a loss

Will F-15C preserve GBU-8?

Probably not, though it may have access to the GBU-15 / AGM-130 instead.

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F-15E Strike Eagle loadout 90’s access GBU-15 & AGM-130 only but not F-15C Eagle

In fact F-15C never armed GBU-10 Paveway II LGB

I wonder it’s F-15C Eagle or F-15E Strike Eagle manual

It is F-15C MSIP SAC. GBU-10 are guided by external laser designator as i know.

US F-15 A/Cs do not use anti-surface ammunition, Israeli ones did.
It is little known that the F-15 was capable of using anti-surface weapons from the beginning, including laser and optically guided.

That’s not correct. F-15Cs can carry a TGP centerline for self designation

With new PAD MFD and electronics or vanilla version?

Funny that stores 1 and 9 are displayed. Did they ever exist? Thought it wasn’t possible due to stability issues.

In armament handbook for F-15A they are marked as ECM pod pylons

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Oh no, absolutely not. Gaijin says these maneuvers are impossible without ripping a wing. This must be Arma footage…


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F-15EX has new fuselage.

At least give us no wing rip

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I know that haha.

I also know the existing air frames are drastically more capable than the Snail claims. A two foot section of wing causes the whole plane to crash in this game. In real life the aircraft has been documented losing an entire side and flying fine.

I’m just joking because they’ve gimped the ever living daylights out of the plane. 400 KP/H and I’m tearing wings during 4-5G maneuvers completely randomly. It’s like it has nothing to do with the capability of the aircraft and they RNGd structural failures.

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I am fairly certain the majority of 12.3+ aircraft are so strong they are capable of breaking their pilot due to excessive G load before the aircraft breaks. (Aircraft breaking as in catastrophic mid-air structural failure such as a classic gaijin wing rip/tree forcefield)

The F-15 is prone to lateral instability which would lead to danger degradation of flight characteristics. This is one of the reasons why hinge points 1 and 9 are not used. The other reason is the wing tip area is highly stressed and the use of a hinge point would lead to worsening.


I’m not sure if we are on the same page or not. Are you saying that in real life they are better or that the issue doesn’t exist in the game? Just trying to make sure.

I’m saying the human would break/pass out from over G before the plane would fall apart on many of these modern aircraft.

It’s just that gaijin takes limits of “beyond this G load aircraft must be inspected” as “beyond this G limit the aircraft begins to disassemble itself in flight”.

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