F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

You have 60k posts on these forums. Please dont project on me. You are literally the poster child for posting on these forums. You have no life outside these forums. I doubt you have time to play the game. You spend 99% of your time complaining about F-16 and F-15 flight models. Its sad. No one cares. Stop.


It uses proportional navigation, thats literally outcome of it… Its the same thing as 9M when it sees flares, it continues in last direction until it regains lock. It wont magically stop turning. Or turn other way like sparrow often loves to do.


The vast majority (95%+) of your posts is some unwarranted complaint and insult towards the company lol

Push ahead is vastly different than PN.

Likewise, it would need to store the track data somehow rather than active update controls based on live input. Do you or do you not have information necessary for a report?


The vast majority of your posts are pandering for NATO nerfs and trying to score brownie points with developers. 60k posts of that. Your life is very meaningful.


I’ve made less than 3k posts, but good reading. I find what I do to be entertaining, and fulfilling. Thanks.
If you don’t find it as meaningful perhaps it isn’t for you and you should put typing away on here to rest…

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3k posts on this new forum. You had close to 50k on the old one bud. Its a sad sad life you live. Imagine walking into that burn lol.

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@MysteriousHonza over here speaking technical fact. Thats right!

Please guys, @_Pterodacty91855. We have the developer’s attention for the Aim7 series missile and radar.

Do not let this guy come in and derail the productivity we are making over his pride.

Please appeal any modelling decision in appropriate manner. You guys literally have the stage.

The reason you have that attention is because I called him out. Ill take 2 weeks bans, no problem. If it embarrasses these shady developers enough to respond its good enough for me. How do you like them apples mig? You have over 60k posts and Im the guy that gets the reponses around here.

We all know whos important I guess.


Could you show me where the missing posts are? Seems I made a little over 3k on the last forum. I’ve been more active on this one.

You can’t even stop lying about something as easy to look up as the number of posts someone’s made and you sit here to complain about some bias… claim things are overperforming constantly when they’re just fine and underperforming when they’re precisely not… etc etc…

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I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying here. Let’s put this nonsense to rest, I advise you increase the number of productive things you post because right now 90%+ of your commentary is just not useful to the threads they are in.

On a sidenote, I have been reading about the Sparrows guidance I can’t seem to find anything to suggest they have a method of continuing towards targets last known position after illumination is lost…

AIM-7Ms dont, maybe AIM-7MHs do with their enhanced memory, AIM-7Ps probably have something like that too, atleast the later P’s

Illumination being lost is the main problem. The NATO/US radars are modeled so bad you would think they are from 1950. The F-15a radar is a joke. If you can defend that model you are 100% a Russian bias scab. End of discussion.

The F-15a radar model is just as bad if not worse than the original F-16 flight model they tried to pass to us. Time and time again something has to be nerfed. US cant have the trinity. Good flight model, good missiles, good radar. One of those 3 things must be gimped artificially while Russian jets over perform in all 3.

This bias needs to stop. Its a joke and ruins the game.

The purpose of the enhanced memory for the AIM-7MH is to add additional target information pre-launch to help aid tracking in ECCM environments but I am not sure that can be used to store track data mid-guidance. There is no inertial updates or lofting incorporated specifically to that upgrade.

There are open reports on the issue, please be patient and wait for things to be looked at and adjusted.
Likewise there are much older reports for the now obsolete MiG-23 radar that would otherwise similarly buff it. They aren’t picking and choosing here. Wait your turn.

track data is not hard to store for a missile with updated with a digital autopilot computer…


7MH specifcally can loft if the loft HUD mode is selected, its the only airforce sparrow that lofts though it doesnt do it through midcourse guidance but rather it calculates its time to target and lofts at a 30 degree angle for a 1/3 of that time, its like a scuffed loft since its all precalculated before launch


The standard AIM-7M lofts, the AIM-7MH model retained the feature.

An F-15 weapons delivery manual specifcally states the M cannot loft like the 7F but the MH can

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Remember when people like you said,

“Be patient its just the dev server, things will change.”

Well they didnt. Imagine that. The dev server barely changed to live. Where are all those people now including yourself? Oh now its be patient they are working on it? Says who? Just like they are working on the Aim-54C? Remember that one? How much documentation have they provided in that thread to get that buffed with no answers in sight. No buff ever coming? But yea…be patient. Sure.

Also I dont know what your on about with the Mig-23. That radar works fine and better than any NATO radar Ive used. It holds lock, can break lock and I can relock and missiles still land just fine. You have no idea what your talking about and are probably just making something up to sound like its on equal footing when its not. Nice try though.

History proves me right and you wrong time and time again. Your turn.


Are you indicating the AIM-7F lofts but AIM-7M doesn’t until the H-build upgrade?
What year was the manual?

no im indicating the 7F and M do not loft but the MH does, I’ll PM you the piece of the manual though that talks about it though