F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Yes, acceleration slows down / stops or “plateau’s” at seemingly correct airspeeds based on clean config.

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If ground multipath wasn’t so over-exaggerated in war thunder, we would all still be hugging the deck, we would just be getting pounded by R-27ERs most of the time regardless of staying low.

a later F15J can use Fox 3

Was talking about F-16 vs F-15, yes without multipath everyone that does not have R-27ERs would still be forced to stay as low as possible

To be completely honest, I think even if everyone had SARH missiles with the same capability, I still think people would be hugging the deck. Flying under the radar is a viable tactic in real life for a reason I suppose. The missiles are so lethal now, and there are so many potential unknown threats around you at all times, that you would probably have to stay low regardless. I find I spend more time going defensive rather than offensive if I climb with the SMT, which on paper has a great radar and the best missile.

Even F-15 vs F-16, I’m not sure it would be worth climbing.

Climbing is very worth it, the flight time and the terminal velocity of the missiles you shoot are dramatically higher. Faster climb and high speed retention/maneuvrability are extremely important IRL as it allows to quickly go up, shoot, quickly go down and then start manoeuvring to defend.
Probably in war thunder most players would still try to stay low, but this will mean they will be forced defensive early compared to the guy that climbs.
(consider that you would still need to notch/menuver even when low, by just going straight you will most likely get splash damaged/proxy fused if multipath was the 10-20m that is in real life)

Expext F-15J(Late) then. Gaijin isn’t really into giving top notch missiles to pre-existing airframes.

When missing is coming down from a higher angle, the chance of killing someone skimming is also higher.

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But my FA2

It wouldn’t be called late, it’d be called MSIP 1.

True, however knowing gaijin’s fascination with “early” and “late” words it could be called as late as well.


There is no fascination with such words in WT.

yeah sure, A-10 late, A-10 late, T-2 early and many more does not exist in WT…


Because there are no other official designation.
You are the only one obsessed with late & early, don’t project your weird obsessions onto the game.

I will go into great lengths and explain F-14A “Early” or A-10A “Late” designations or how they can be named accurately but this is not the right topic to discuss those matters. I strongly advise you to quit falsely accussing people and dragging out this topic. If you (really) like to learn feel free to send me a DM and i will happy to teach you.

F-14A Early exists because F-14A has 2 versions & they’re not named differently IRL.
Same with A-10A.

The amount of “Vehice (P)” in this game is horrendous, even if actual names exist. Tell me how I would come up with the name “Type 16 (P)” when the year 2016 held no significance when it was made? Or maybe the “Type 87 (P)”?

Or, my personal favorite, the “TKX (P)”, which literally stands for “Tank Experimental (prototype)”, the prototype of a prototype. Not just that, but it isn’t even an earlier vehicle, but the same vehicle with the same serial number, as seen a few years earlier than the “TKX” we have in game.

Gaijin often miss names of prototypes and variants, simplifying it for people that don’t really care for those details and “(early)” and “(late)” are some of their favorite things to use for that.

Let’s take the T-2 (late) that you said had no other name and check the serial number, let’s see if it has a different designation. Turns out that aircraft is the XT-2, albeit with some hardpoints it never got fitted.

I don’t see why you’re always trying to pretend Gaijin makes no mistakes and is always right, on a forum largely designed for players to help improve on parts of the game they might have missed. Criticism is in no way an attack, it is what the forum is for.


All of which prove my point.
Word of the day: Pedantic.

BTW I don’t get why you post Gaijin is without flaws…

Since we were talking about the performance of missiles at low altitude, I wanted to mention something
Multipath is not the only real cause of the problem of missiles in this game not hitting at low altitudes.
Now it is not uncommon for a radar missile fired from a relatively high altitude to be guided within the operating range of the proximity fuse, but that operation is completely stopped, and at altitudes below 120 meters it is unresponsive even if it passes within 1 meter of the plane.
Furthermore, even in the case of a direct hit, the missile does not explode, and damage is caused only by kinetic energy.
On the other hand, with infrared missiles, the fuse seems to work just fine at low altitudes.
I am not an expert and do not know if this is really true, but this does not seem to be realistic behavior.

What a cocky response over such an insignificant matter lmao, cringe asf