F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

yeah, ive given up since a few months ago. The particular fiasco with the 2A7V having worse armor than the 2A5/6 and the Strv122 despite numerous highly documented bug reports and being straight up told the numbers on the dev server “arent final” currently really isnt making me regret that decision either


Do you guys have any information about the time to maintain 102% throttle of the F15? I can’t find it or I missed it.

I’ll report it tonight let’s be patient. We don’t even know if that’s the reason for the changes.

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They fucked up the tanks too? I’m so disappointed man

They usually do for ground, flight devs > ground devs

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I wonder if gaijin use their own reference, similar case happened with 13G stinger instead of 20-22G from 2 sources, if it is true it will be the answer for many similar case.

Fucked up is a generous way to put it. seems more like blatant mismodelling seeing as they intentionally nerfed the 2A7V to be worse than the Strv122 despite all the bug reports and just basic logic (the 2A7V is 20+ years newer than the strv122) suggesting otherwise

I have no trust in gaijin modelling anything correctly if it doesnt match whatever weird agenda or bias they seem to have at this point.

The AIM-7M’s are also poorly modelled, the APG-63 is (afaik) still underperforming, the TCS and AIM-54 remain mismodelled and underperforming, etc… All rather major bugs/modelling issues, some of which are MAJOR bugs that significantly impact the performance of vehicles/weapons/sensors, and some of which have existed for extended periods of time, none of which have been fixed, even when the fix for some of them would be incredibly easy and take no more than the change of a single value in the lines of code for example.


It’s also funny how much time it takes for them to fix such things, maybe in 3 years when we get the raptor current 4th gen aircraft will be accurate

Yeah, some of the things they refuse the fix is downright idiotic too.

Best example is the AIM-54C’s missing low smoke motor imo. The low smoke motor didnt exist back when the bug report was put in, so it was understandable back then, but then the devs added the 9M and gave it and the AGM-65D’s low smoke motors, but skipped over the AIM-54C. Gunjob then confirmed the bug report was still open and didnt know why it didnt get the low smoke motor with the other 2. Now we have ANOTHER 2 missiles with low smoke motors in the AAM-3 and RB74 (M) (granted the RB74 (M) is a copy paste AIM-9M) and the 54C STILL hasnt been given its low smoke motor.

Russian mains complain the 54C would be “overpowered” if it got a low smoke motor as if they werent now flying around with 6 R-27ER’s which are better than the AIM-54C in every way in WT lmao, bunch of hypocrites


Like i said they are insisting on the russian blatantly bvr dominance X us ufo models, and why? I don’t know.

Their agenda is accuracy while following international & local laws.

It hasn’t even been a week since the armor reports, which inherently take longer to go through than more simple reports.

They must be using Pierre Sprei as a source on US aircraft or something


What’s the point of adding a F15A with a worse radar than the F16C that cant keep a lock.
The F15A doesn’t even get TWS.

AIM7Ms are completly outclassed by everything a SU or MIG29 can mount.
The F15A can mount fewer 9Ms than the F16C.

The argument “…but the Su27 radar loses lock aswell…” is just downright nonsense in the context of the missiles these 2 planes carry.

→ Yes, the Su27 loses radar contact aswell. But the missiles it carries don’t self destruct if the radar loses lock.

So it doesnt really matter if you lose radar contact during the mid course phase.

The 7M literally self destructs or doesn’t track anymore if you lose lock for more then one second.
Try hitting something beyond 10Km with a sparrow. Good luck. Have fun.

All that whilst SU and MIGs start their missiles from 50Km away, turn off their radar , turn it back on when the missile is near the other side of the map and hit stuff with it.

Not to mention Russian radars combine TWS with their standard tracking so if they lose lock they’ll actually try to re-acquire the target for a bit.

But God forbid Sparrows get an inch of leniency


I can confirm this is accurate:

F-15 currently in the config shown in the manual performs ~23 deg/s sustained turn at 0.6-0.7mach.

As you can see from the charts …
It’s doing 20 deg/s at 0.9 mach… 4 deg/s more than it should be…


It’s a feature, not a bug

How can they make things wrong by such a large margin is beyond my comprehension

Simple, they rushed a fix (buffed turn rate to match charts at low speed), but it affected the aircraft at all speeds. Now a subsequent report must clarify and fix the error.


BTW can you take a look at the flanker later? i’m like 99.9% sure there’s something wrong with it

I will

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