F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

What is the gimbal limit on that radar?

APG-63 vertical scan

yeah, but do you have the original case study report?

some more radar stuff

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Idk about that, I think the F-15 will be a lot more mid than people seem to believe.

Few reasons for this;

  1. Until Gaijin unfucks multipathing, radar missile biased jets are at a disadvantage. We are in an IR meta through and through, and the F-15 can only bring up to 4 IR missiles, with the remaining 4 missiles being radar missiles.
  2. Radar and avionics matter very little in WT as long as you attain a certain baseline of capabilities. The F-15 radar being excellent is therefore largely irrelevant to WT and will likely offer little to no in-game advantage over contemporaries. The SMT most notably, will still completely dominate it in radar performance in-game.
  3. Although the F-15 can pull more AOA than the F-16, this is often a double edged sword in WT. High available AOA leads to good flickability of the plane, which si good for mouse aim, but also leads to excessive energy issues when the pilot partakes in HUD BFM, which is what the vast majority of players do
  4. Being a “fighter”, it competes with the F-16C for a lineup slot in GFRB, and seeing as it does not have ground ordinance, it will never be taken over an F-16C for the sake of combat effectiveness.

The F-15 wont be a bad plane, but itll likely be anything but special in WT unless gaijin fixes a lot of different issues with the game design as it currently stands


I’ll reiterate, the F-15 will be excellent in ARB, an all rounder with very capable missiles, gun, and FM (as well as 800CMs ;))

It wont break the meta until AMRAAM, even still it will perform capably. Likely maintaining the meta, in GFRB it will have no purpose other than a strict Air Superiority mission, which is largely unnecessary.


It’s capable of up to 18 Mk82s, 3 Mk84s, 3 GBU-8s, or 2 GBU10s and a centerline TGP. All that with a full load of A2A. I think it will be VERY popular with the Anti-CAS crowd

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I was implying that it can’t notch like the SMT can but not a lotta people gonna catch that.

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The SMT should be limited to 85deg of gimbal limit, however that aside, having 60deg and an F pull solve most problems.

You forget the APG-63 was fielded in '73 quite a bit before the ill fated N1001 series. ;)


Primary documentation shows 90 degree gimbal iirc.

I have never heard of an F-15A/C carrying air to ground ordinance, particularly when it was specifically designed with little/no consideration for air to ground operations.

I still see no reason to bring an F-15C into GFRB over an F-16C, which can do both CAP and CAS nearly as well, if not better.

As for Air RB, I still stand by the statement that it will be a decent, but unimpressive aircraft.

The F-15E on the other hand is something pretty exciting for GFRB.

The israeli F-15s can carry a variety of A2G ordinance GBU-8/15 being among that

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The Israeli’s strap ground ordnance on their F-15 Baz. Granted, not the same as the US, but if the devs play with ordnance how they do, it’s possible ground ordnance could be carried.

Plus, that pic has a Baz carrying AIM-120 and AIM-7 together.


I saw something primary that mentioned the 90 degree gimbal but didnt think much of it when I saw it and I havent been able to find it since, bummer

American F-15s can also carry GBU-8s its covered in the SAC and weapon employment manuals


F-15 Armaments Handbook per Mcdonnell Douglas


Much appreciated for the correction!

You can find the entire PDF online for more information on how the EO weapons work as well

Look forward to seeing that!

and python 4 or 5

Should be but as mythic says, radar modeling is very poor ingame.

The latest concrete info(modes) of the apg63 is from 87’ and range is from 83’. I was wrong in thinking RGH(range gated highprf) was introduced in early 80’s but it was present by 90’ through PSP updates definitely(apg 70 -86’- and apg65 -1983-used RGH since inception). RAM (which has had better doppler, range and angular esolution) was removed in favor of TWS(-87’ latest-). RGH processing generates a matrix like MPRF(which stepanovich can’t model) but with larger range bins and slightly lower max Vc than pure HPRF.