F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Only if you could prove that the SLAM-ER was UAI certified. It’s not listed in the UAI Slides, but it may have been revised / certified at a later date.

With the recent modernization of Korean F-15K i think there is a solid chance of it being on the list. But you are right I would probably have to find proof

Also the USN operates them so that also helps

The dates do technically overlap so there is some chance, as UAI as a concept came into being in '99 with implementation in 2005~2006 so would be a potential inclusion in the 2nd Tranche of F-15K’s (2010).

Suite 6 required the “VCC+” (Very High Speed Integrated Circuitry Central Computer Plus) so could be further cross referenced.

As an Aside the JSM is UAI certified, even though it’s not a US munition.


Could you please post the page number?

Should be the bottom of PDF page 40 (#244), the link should already take you to the right page.

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It didn’t, but thanks for the page! Ton of other cool stuff about the F-15C upgrades, I am left wondering if the RWR upgrades gave it better band coverage though

Looking through it more I do see that they never bought any TEWS upgrades, but on a document for EPAWSS I did see one F-15C on there

The issue is that generally the wider the band, the worse the fidelity you get (choice of spatial, power or sideband depending on the layout). and so to account for that an additional set of receivers would be needed.

Which is possible but then there are tradeoffs since more space is needed and it would reduce the range of detection of the other band receivers(due to the reduction in apparent area that collects that band of emissions as it has an addition set of antenna to account for), or alter the body shaping (aerodynamic / Stealth concerns) to increase available surface area in useful directions.

On the point of the Pantsir being in the “K band” there is obviously some method of tracking it considering we know that in Ukraine AGM-88s have been effective as hits by them have been documented (as to if it is a GPS equipt variant and so homed solely on GPS co-ordinates generated by a 3rd party / offboard sensor is unknown but is possible with the AGM-88D)

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This is true, but they do pretty explicitly say the old RWR is 70’s tech. And electronics have advanced a lot from then to time of document, so they probably could provide better coverage without trading range or aerodynamics.

If the TEWS upgrade isn’t feasible then I’d hope to find better proof of an F-15C with EPAWSS

F-15Cs were excluded because of their age


Can you please add a game option to display the scan volume / target altitude information on the overlay radar display as well? (for aircrafts that get this information on the in-cockpit radar display)

This information is extremely useful in SB, as you can’t see the 3rd person view radar FoV/scan lines:


So it’s quite difficult to know where exactly your radar is pointed at, especially if you are pointing your radar at a different elevation (e.g. you are on the deck trying to scan up high, or you are at high altitude and trying to scan the deck).

Also when you are not level and have some pitch or bank angle, it can be quite difficult to understand where the radar is pointed at …

But reading the numbers from the in-cockpit radar display can be difficult due to the monitor resolution and rendering limitations.

So it would be very helpful to have an option to display them on the overlay radar display as well.

And even in RB, it can still have some usefulness and could also add to the “cool factor”.

Making this into a game option would make sure that people can turn off this information on the overlay radar display if they prefer a simpler less cluttered overlay radar display.

Thank you


Indirectly, could DSMS from GD be a confirmation of SLAM-ER with UAI?


Not specifically, but the claim of MIL-STD-1760D compliance is certainly interesting considering that a SLAM-ER brochure does include specifics about datalinks which is covered by UAI, as an extension of STD-1760 compliance.

And it does also separately reference both the F-16 & F-15, but then also the F/A-18C/D & -18E/F specifically , (and effectively omits mention the -18A++ / -B++) which is interesting since it doesn’t specifically carve out the -15K, or F-16C-50+ (Turkey) like one would similarly expect if that were the case since it also mentions the non-specific F-15 & -16.

Assorted UAI excerpts

Well, I still think that the regular F-15E will not be equipped with SLAM-ER in game, but the F-15SE…

It’s always a chance, but heavily depends on what the new Hotness is at the time for Gaijin, and which variants / configurations they implement which has and will seem to remain a crapshoot.

The -15K / -15SA etc. may even turn up as an event / BP vehicle in future.

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Sooo, maybe. All that’s left to do is wait

Did the SE itself carry SLAM-ER? Or are you taking about the F-15E the SE was made from

No. But…

Yes, i am about 86-0183. It’s just more convenient for me to say SE

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If F-15EX and F-15E upgrades derived from stuff made for F-15SE… Maybe then a standard strike eagle could carry them, or an EX

Either way would be cool to see F-15SE in game

I dont think so. The list of weapons is the customer’s choice. But if they introduce the F-15SE to us, then… It may well turn out to be a very interesting aircraft with AGM-84K, AGM-88, and all sorts of different things.

Would be very interesting aircraft. I think it could come June with upgraded F-15E and maybe an F-15SA