F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Taurus and SLAM-ER integration was tested because ROKAF requested that missiles for their F-15Ks.

“The flight captured F-15 aerodynamic performance information while carrying the SLAM-ER Missile and AWW-13K Data Link Pod and supported the Republic of Korea’s (ROK) F-15K program.”

Yes, definitely not for the USAF F-15E fleet.


its still a strike eagle though, regardless of the prupose of the flight

Taurus wouldnt make sense on a US strike eagle, but SLAM-ER would because:

  1. its an American missile, made by same company that makes F-15E, and is shown on an Advanced Eagle loadout graphic
  2. its in the US military inventory
  3. It was carried on an F-15E

worst comes to worst and they dont give it to US F-15E then they could just add the F-15K to the US instead

question is was the aircraft capable of firing those missiles at targets or was it only attached to the hardpoints.

The thing is that the U.S. Air Force never operated SLAM-ER. Baseline F-15E could not use SLAM-ER, and the USAF never requested it, so there is no reason for integration.

The SLAM-ER installation on the F-15E was part of the F-15K development program, not an effort to provide SLAM-ER capability to the USAF F-15E fleet.


F-15K and F-15E have the same hardpoints and main computers so should be compatible with a quick update at most

purpose doesnt really matter though, whether or not it can carry them does

except that quick update has not happened on production variants of f-15e so the f-15e isnt capable. f-15k is capable and is the one who should only be able to carry it.

if you look at F-15K new upgrade, it is very similar to US F-15E upgrades (APG-82v1, EPAWSS, ADCP II), but will retain ability to fire SLAM-ER of course. So either they just had that capability put in US F-15E as just a bit of code since they put it in F-15K anyways, or it is close enough to the point where its something that could be done. Remember, Gaijin has gone much farther than giving an aircraft with the same hardpoints and computers the same missile as another aircraft (said missile is in US inventory, maybe not officially in Air Force but they got their hands on that test SLAM-ER somehow)

or, they just give F-15K to US where tbh it should be and each has its own differences

“it could be done” but it hasn’t been done so it isn’t capable. so close yet so far. call usaf if you want them to give additional capabilities to their aircraft.

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they can just frankenplane it, like they have done many times before.

and for game balance, better 2 SLAM-ER than 5 JASSM-ER

USN/USMC F/A-18C/D (2000’s ~ present) and USN F/A-18E/F (Block I ~ III) fleet fired AGM-84H & AGM-84K SLAM-ER

what is stopping US from making jets that are USB upgradable?

USB is a really really really really poorly secured standard. And it’s fairly fragile.

Someone recently made a USB keylogger/injector that literally fits inside the USB 1 port, functionally invisible to the naked eye until you try to plug something in. Now imagine someyhing that small being used to mess up the F-15E’s computers.

Later USB standards are smaller and harder to attack, but they are also more fragile. Can’t tell you how many Micro USB and USB-C ports/connectors I’ve been asked to bend back into shape.

Source: working IT as a contractor for the US State Dept.


Uh, no, no.
This aircraft iirc - first Strike Eagle. This photo from ~2001 when tests started.

After this aircraft become Silent Eagle

And after… This.

This aircraft just a personal boeing testbed.

We can only hope that Gaijin will introduce this version of the aircraft, even though it falls under the testbed rule…


We do have some precedents of aircrafts getting armaments that were only tested on them.

Well, yes. We have Yak-141 at all. But anyway… I want this eagle.

In effect they already do. Its what the UAI program is designed to permit, and the F-15E is listed in said document on Slide 21 and so as per this sorce UAI has been included in F-15E configurations after 2004~2007 (fielded in late 2009) or so.


So, with this, a SLAM-ER USAF F-15E is technically possible?