F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

That goes back to my original argument, I think there is no need to add the F-15 solely for ordinance it might carry in later models. They could add the F-15A to increase variety and for that reason alone.

A isn’t probable purely due to the fact Japan needs a 12.3, and A might not have countermeasures.

Another consideration is that; It isn’t only the US tree that should be taken into consideration for the F-15’s addition; the US tree has a number of Strike aircraft that it could use [A-6E SWIP, AV-8B(NA) / -B+, A-4M, F-111F], and isn’t really struggling with the existing mix of F-4 / F-14 / F-16 , etc. so could probably not get a A2A airframe and still be relatively fine, though depending on exact additions to ordnance / mechanics, some ability to keep pace would be nice.

The Japanese and Israeli trees for example could certainly use the F-15 as their currently available F-4 / F-16 options have broad deficiencies in terms of BVR, that won’t be addressed by another member of the Teen series for the most part, as they either load AMRAAMs and so until confirmed to be on the way for the coming Update, could be better met by an earlier variant, and serve as potential answer to the MiG-29 via ordnance count and radar performance. (Though I would absolutely be expecting a MiG-25 / -31(dissimilar) or Su-27 (symmetric) to turn up as a counterpart for balance purposes, and the -27ER / -27ET still being complete overkill let alone a potential R-73).

Here’s the deal tho. Japan needs an A2A airframe, and that’ll be an F-15C.
That means Israel & USA get it as well as it’s 3 birds with one addition.
That and USA’s F-16s aren’t 12.3 capable.
Su-27 is superior to the 12.3 F-15s we’d see.
It’s possible we see F-15s jump in BR later on with a weapons improvement, but for this year for 12.3? It’d be F-15s with identical load to F-4EJ Kai & F-14B.

I guess F-15A (USAF) & F-15A Baz (IAF) no higher 12.0, if F-14B air-to-air missile full options might increase to 12.3

There’s a possibility that Su-27S/P Flanker B good fighter aircraft 12.3 because carries medium-range AAM 6 R-27ER/R-27ET

F-14B has its effective missiles already and will stay 12.0.
F-14D would be Aim-9Ms at whatever BR that’d be.
Su-27 carries 10 missiles, all superior to current options, that’s 12.7 minimum.
F-15A likely won’t be added period.
F-15C will for 12.3.

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Why you sure dev not consider F-15A MSIP from USAF to tech tree ?

Now Israel tech tree no early fighter aircraft 12.0 with AIM-7 equivalent fighter aircraft for other countries, you guess gajin could add new fighter aircraft rank 8 Q3 ?

Personally, I think Su-27S Flanker B not much as 4th gen fighter aircraft with 6 medium-range ARH BVRAAM

Because F-15C would be ready first purely cause Gaijin would know they can add it to Japan, Israel, and USA all at once.
As for Su-27S, that’s definitely 13.0+ capable with R-77s.
10 missiles total.

You guess gajin consider early 4th gen fighter aircraft for Israel tech tree rank 8 maybe F-15C “Akef” pre-MSIP limited BVR AIM-7F & AIM-7M ?

Su-27SM Flanker J1 capable with R-77 but Su-27S Flanker B limited R-27ER

It’s impossible that Su-27S Flanker B & Su-27SM Flanker J1 comparable to 4+ gen fighter aircraft 13.3

I don’t use the term MSIP, that’s new to me.
I just cite introduction dates, which Gaijin likely will as well.
I just state that we’d get EJ Kai loadout F-15Cs because it’s the most likely for 12.3.
And when 12.7 comes, F-15Cs could gain improved loadouts if needed.

And fair for Su-27S, I haven’t learned my variants yet since we’re not even at Su-27 BRs and I’ve only been researching the initial one since that matters more than the later variants.

All of this conjecture on BR and where each F-15 will go or what models they will add goes entirely against the trend Gaijin has been making lately imo.

Problem with this line of thought tho (imo) is that the US has a LOT of planes to add, so the likelihood of it not getting a plane is sort of silly. I think gaijin have more or less shot themselves in the foot by not ALREADY having the F-15/18 ingame with AIM-7’s at this point, as any implementation of Fox 3 BVRAAM’s at this point is either going to result in what id argue is a somewhat significant skip of some jets (like F-15/18 with sparrows) or a massive balance issue (as some nations like Germany will get an F-4F with AMRAAM’s while others get F-15 and MiG-29, making the jump in ordinance on the F-4F borderline irrelevant vs adversaries that have all its capabilities and a MUCH better airframe.

It feels a lot like gaijins been throttling american jet additions at top tier to try to keep the community from popping a full on rage boner, which they already borderline do anytime an american jet is added.

It might also have to do with the fact that were already seeing the BLUFOR vs REDFOR issue, in that almost every game at top tier is mixed due to the large number of US players, particularly in premium F-4S’ because Gaijin thought it was a swell idea to allow you to buy your way to top tier.

What I’m talking about is explicitly the trend tho.
Their trend is .3 - .7 BR raises a year, and they can maintain that until Aim-9Ms and AMRAAM Cs are in the game.

@MythicPi F-15 wouldn’t have AMRAAMs tho until at least 12.7, as it’s superior to other AMRAAM carriers.

AIM-9M and AMRAAM could have been in the game already I don’t see why that’s relevant.

I guess F-15C pre-MSIP or F-15C early could be 12.3 because fitted with AN/APG-63 PSP radar, limited BVR SARH AIM-7F, AIM-7M & AIM-7MH

lol No they couldn’t. We’re not at those BRs.

R-27ER existing at 12.0 moment, superior to the AIM-120A.

There’s no way of knowing that for certain until testing is done.

I’ve done my own testing, custom missiles and missions.

Here’s one I can share using public data for AIM-120C-5.

I’m aware the launch aircraft was rather slow, I didn’t do this test for launch range or anything just verifying the TWS launch was unaffected by subsequent launches and whatnot.