F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Do you know which document and page it is at?

post 87’ -34s and good luck with that

yall, gaijin does not like long range boresigthing you won’t get far with it.

Yeah, that’s my bug report.
Requested more modes, scan patterns, super search, and they gave me 6 bars TWS :)) (and the 100 Nautical mile range)

Hence, why I am trying to find info on more different planes that had it.
Maybe they don’t want to have that long of a range for boresight/HMS because they think only very few planes have that ability and it will shift the scale of balance too much.

So far I have :

  • Later variants of APG-66/68 have the limit raised to 40 NM
  • APG-63 has it 40 NM (haven’t seen the evidence yet, but will look at it later)
  • N019s, N010s, N001s should also have no limit (just the usual MPRF range limit), but it will take me an essay of a proof to write (pretty hard to prove lack of limit, if it isn’t explicitly mentioned)
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They are also using tertiary sources from Russia to model the F-5E which cause it to outperform the real world F-20 Tigershark but hey, whateveh

That is an F-15E, 91-331

Is that manual even available?


The boresight (BST) mode causes the antenna to cease scanning, move to the aircraft boresight line
(straight ahead), and stop. The first target (shortest range) to cross through the main beam is locked-
on to (acquired), and the track function begins. Boresight uses all MPRF and is good out to 10 NMI.
Pressing the AUTO ACQ/REJECT switch forward twice in less than one second selects boresight.
Long range boresight
Long range boresight (LRBST) acts exactly the same as boresight does. The only difference is that
long-range boresight uses interleaved PRF and has a range of 40 NMI. Holding the AUTO
ACQ/REJECT switch forward for longer than one second selects long-range boresight.

TWS modes provide a wide-angle coverage, multi-target detection and track capability. The TWS
modes maintain up to 10 target track files while continuing to detect and display up to 18 more (half-
intensity) observation targets.

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According to the dark grey colour and CFT it is an F-15E.
These are the antenna covers for the TEWS system, which is a jamming/RWR system.
The more modern variant is called DEWS and now EPAWWS.
The antenna covers often vary in shape depending on the upgrades.


Where are the indications that the average target is 2 m2, not 3?

Just below it

Your calculations are very strange
it is necessary to take the target detection range from RCS 1m2 and multiply by the root of the fourth power of the desired RCS

Not really. To make range a function of RCS you make everything else constant(as the only thing changing is rcs and conditions remain the same). You can use that constant-ratio to solve for the RCS.
Beta=(known range)/((known RCS)^1/4). Beta = (desired range)((desired RCS)^1/4)

There are 2 unknowns in this equation

Beta remains the same. 2 variables.

\mathrm{R}_{k}=Range known

\mathrm{\sigma}{k} =known RCS
{D}=Range Desired
\mathrm{\sigma}_{D} = Desired RCS

as transmit power remains, frequency etc, all those variable remain the same and the onyl thing changin is Range and RCS.


Whattt? Beta-1 unknown
Range Desired-2 unknown
Desired RCS-3 unknown
Total of 3 unknowns

Thought latex would work
All those variables in Beta are constant thus B is constant

Its literally y=mx type of problem solving

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Which versions of F-15 have tail booms CM dispensers?

Why gaijin thinks that fuel tubes weight 400 kilograms?