Projection much? You’re the one who has been continually retreating and making up bullshit arguments that fall apart. First it was that the F-14B has better sustained rate. It didn’t. So you claimed that because the F-15’s rate speed is higher, it would run into g-loc issues. But your example was rating with 10 minutes fuel on the deck, which even you couldn’t claim was realistic. Then you advanced that the F-14B’s TWR was actually comparable at combat speeds- nope, it was easy to compare the actual weights and performance of the engines ingame to determine that the F-15 will have considerably better TWR. Then you said that the issue was that sparrows would make it less than 1:1, as if that was the arbitrary benchmark(only one person mentioned it, and it wasn’t who you were responding to). That was very silly to do given that F-14 carries the same weapons, and it wasn’t even true either. You’ve also tossed around “nose authority” and wingloading, but nah, both have the same instantaneous rates. Then you were like “oh but WT aircraft don’t have the same g-limits,” which turns out to be irrelevant because instantaneous rates are proportional to speed, so higher g-limits doesn’t change things.
Pretty much this whole time you have spent retreating and raising new arguments to try and compensate for the collapse of the previous one. You have refused to actually engage pretty much any argument once you were called out, which has made this embarrassingly easy tbh.