Two terms that should never be in the same sentence
Nah, F-14A USN were ruining Meta shamelessly thanks to the unique characteristic of AIM-54 and exclusiveness to the USA.
Two years of bloodshed.
Sorry sir, but this sounds like a bad take to me.
I agree with you on some point that
- F-14A IRIAF should be different BR against F-14A USN
- but thanks to the current BR radius, which is too compressed, we can’t just send IRIAF to 13.0.
But, Brit-thoms seem quite overrated I nearly saw none of them flying.
Just like F-14A USN<->F-14A IRIAF does,
Brit-thoms shouldn’t be the same BR with F-4J/S USN thanks to Skyflash(normie)
Lmao how people get shocked that mig23 can bomb… If you log in the game you will find almost every mig23 carrying 2x R-24R and napalm bomb. And without the bomb you can only carry 4 more R-60M missiles which are useless unless for airfield strafing.
This makes me remember people blaming the premium F-104S bombing. Yeah the first 2 fastest vehicles in this BR… are not supposed to bomb, according to fighter jocks (or some angry Tornado bombers? Haha)
Uhh, the MiG-23 is one of the most potent fighters at its BR, even moreso now that it’s at 11.7. I’m not shocked per se for the MiG-23 being able to bomb, I’ve literally played it before, I find it more shocking that people would buy a $70 digital fighter aircraft with some of the best air to air armaments for the tier, and waste four of them for bombs that you don’t even get a computer for.
The difference is in the fact the F-104 has a turn radius thats just ever so slightly smaller than the LHC and its best missiles are AIM-7Es and AIM-9Js, which are not All-Aspect IR Missiles, unlike the R-60Ms and R-24Ts, nor are they Radar-Slaving
Flogger Bombers are literally the aircraft equivalent of this dude
bro just get good at the game, the mig23ml isn’t a bomber the 4 r60m will net you way more rp/sl
Lol, currently the reward (RP) for bombing one base is nearly 1.5-2 times the one for killing one enemy. Can you reliably get 2 kills using those r60 missiles? In addition when you join furball you often get spammed by those op missiles like magic 2 and r73 and finally get killed, and I just run between the airfield and bases printing RP and SL.
you have 72 large countermeasures that’s more than enough to defeat a couple irrcm fox2s just pre flare and the r73 can’t lock and napalm gives you like nothing lmao, I can reliable get 2-3 kills without issues
Anyone who base bombs in a Mig-21 or Mig-23 (minus the BN) should be banned from air RB.
Or Gaijin needs to remove napalm on every plane classified as a fighter.
Did you know that R-60s and R-73s don’t reliably get kills at 1-2 miles in rear aspect against fast opponents? You’d know that, right?
OP? Loud Incorrect Buzzer
Magic 2s are only good when they’re launched in the golden spot, the aft hemisphere of your aircraft. They can be oneflared almost immediately from any other aspect. R-73s on the otherhand have seen multiple nerfs, bringing them to a point where if you cut burner and flare they aren’t reliably hitting.
How many votes to get this on the next roadmap?
Seeing people bomb in the J-7D has made me turn off my own chat so I don’t get chat banned
J7D is something different. They can’t finish a base. The PL-5B or PL-7 are effective missiles in that BR. Now the mig23… Nearly everyone use multipath on the ground so R24R become useless, and those IR missiles… lmao.
But in all cases Gaijin won’t punish players simply because they use any plane for bombing.
2 years of F-14As dying more like.
Not a single match I was in F-14As did anywhere close to dominate, and that’s seen in my own stats too.
Chronically average jet when it was the same BR as EJ Kai, and now F-14A tech tree is entirely unplayable.
Right now either F-14A TT is over-BR’d or the PD Phantoms are under-BR’d. Pick one and agree, or you’re calling for bias.
Cause the exclusive difference between F-4J and F-14A is flight performance, and the exclusive difference between FGR2 and F-14A is Skyflash vs AIM-7F, and a bit of flight performance as well though less so since FGR2 can bring less fuel mass than both F-4J and F-14A.
The thing with F-4JUK is that it doesn’t have the Spey engines so it has to bring the same fuel mass as standard F-4Js.
I haven’t done a fuel mass test in a while for these aircraft so I’ll edit this post with the screenshots within 10 minutes.
5 minutes 30 seconds on the clock:
Would you look at that, at higher speeds the FG1 becomes a better airframe for air RB; being smack in the middle of F-4S and F-14A in higher speed flight performance. That would be why F-4JUK does worse than the FG1 and FGR2 in air RB, it’s just a worse airframe for air RB than the FG1 and FGR2.
Lock 3 miles out on unaware target (usually prems), fire it and forget they exist
Have you tried climbing in it?
Usually there’s at least 1 other plane that climbs, and it very easily allows you to get 1-2 easy kills. R-24Rs are very good SARH missiles, and R-60ms are a decent backup that can still be used in headons, and against unaware targets.
Meanwhile the R-24Rs are actually the least affected by MP due to the fact they have IOG and that can be used to entirely mitigate multipathing But have you tried the R-24Ts? They are totally unaffected by multipathing and very potent.
R-60Ms are still more effective than a lot of IR missiles at that BR considering they are all-aspect and many at that BR still have rear-aspect only missiles. Fire one off at very close range in a headon, and there is noting the target can do unless they were pre-flaring. Also Mig-23s are some of the only with large calibre flares which make killing them with an IR missile in turn far harder than it is for the Mig-23
The Fakour-90 is still perfectly capable at jousting long-range with AMRAAM slingers.
K. Now tell me when it’s on an aircraft that isn’t the worst airframe at 12.7 using the worst engines worst RWR using the worst IR missiles… but apparently all those factors can be ignored because of some fast unmaneuverable missile that has its own internal radar for <16km.
F-14A IRIAF is balanced at 12.7 BECAUSE of the F-90s and all other aspects of the aircraft being trash for the BR.
You know what EJ Kai trades for AIM-7Fs and AIM-9Ls? Just dogfight performance, that’s it.
Its engines are great, radar is great, RWR is great.
Even AV-8B+ trades less than the F-14A and the AV-8B+ is 0.3 BR higher with superior ARHMs.
Climb and shoot down people climbing with R-24Rs, R-60Ms are only as bad as you make them.
I sadly have to agree. The only upside of the F-14 IRIAF is the Fakour-90, beyond that it’s kinda bad for 12.7.
F-14 Early and F-14 IRIAF are both just flat out bad planes.