F-14A (IRIAF) is the least balanced aircraft in the game

So its a better F-14A with the Fakour being way better than even AIM-54C (20vs17G). Why is the F-14 Iriaf the same br as the F-14A (tech tree) whilst having better ARH and better IR (9H<9P). F-14B imo is at most slightly worse than the IRIAF.


Welp, TT F-14 are just overtiered, because of dumb bomb farmers, who were dying to AIM-54


I’ve played on my friend’s acc with F-14. I played like 5 games (ik how to use radar and etc.) and got 1 kill with the AIM-54A whilst other AIM-54 carriers (the f-14a and b) were getting more so idk

Nah, Counterparts are undertiered badly instead.


Yeah watched a dude score 2-3 kills yesterday lol. 2-3 fucker missiles hitting 13.7 aircraft… like. How!? How did you die to that missile.


Because the F14b is much better. They need to decompress so that all 3 can have different brs.

That is debatable. The aim9p is just an aim9j while the aim9h is an aim9g with better flare resistance.


I watched a vid (was a guy explaining sidewinders) and he said that the g and h are the same. I’ve heard that J/P>G/H and that they are pretty similar. I mean J/P is 20G vs 18G + you have higher explosive power

aim9h has better tracking rate.

The aim9j/p has 2 more Gs of pull while the G/H has a longer burning motor, 3.5sec vs 2.1sec.

Insane how M2K has lower BR from F14A

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G-load doesn’t mean anything in this case, they are different velocities.
AIM-54 is more maneuverable, F-90 is faster. That’s the difference.
It’s why you can defeat the F-90 with maneuvering easier than the AIM-54.
F-14A tech tree is over-BR’d as it’s a higher BR than the slightly superior EJ Kai.

This includes FGR2 and F-4J… you know that right… the fact they’re 0.7 BRs lower despite the only notable differences being airframe performance and in the case of FGR2 long-range radar missile performance is hilarious.
Be careful what your posts claim.

12.3 - 13.0 is decompressed for the F-14s. It’s just F-14A tech tree got incorrectly moved up cause Gaijin thought it was as threatening.

Iranian F-14 is the most boring plane in the game (exept bombers). 2-3 minutes to range, launch fakours and wait for the results. sometimes zero kill, sometimes 3, but most of the times a kill message comes after you are dead because AMRAAMs or counter Fakours. RWR does nothing. But average match is 1200 mission score. I grinded the IAR event with them effortless.
Very boring but good grinder


Launch from long range (60-80KM) - immediately put your air brake and glide until your F90 go pitbull and then turn around speed off and drop alt. You’ll find that you’re gone before their missiles even reach you. Dying to other long-range missiles is not the issue in F-14A (IRIAF), it’s trying to dogfight with your AIM-9P and R-27R, while facing Magic 2s, PL-12, and others. But yeah, it is quite effortless gameplay if you just spam some F90 and immediately hit the airfield for some more F90 spam. Good for event grinding.

As a mig-23 player, I give up bombing or fighting and immediately go to camp the enemy’s forward airfield if I’m in a BR with F-14 iriaf on the enemy side (11.7-12.7). Really a crazy op vehicle.

It doesn’t come even close to the balancing marvel of Brezhnieviak-Pissaev also known as BI, rocket plane turning tighter than Zero, that can cruise at 750km/h for an hour with its fuel load, if needed outclimbs 8.3 jets and somehow sits at 6.7 where it’s basically unkillable.

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Dear god


because fk90 are fast. you don’t have much time to notch the fk90. They a basically an R-27EA with much larger warhead (still, players dying from the first wave of ARH are really not so smart)

or there is just 1 or 2% packetloss or Chinese teammates on EU server that renders chaff completely ineffective as these heavily depend on the server being stable. Not everyone is dumb, and the game is far from reliable and fine.

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The F-16A and Mig-29 are superior to F-14A IRIAF in every way, it’s no where close to OP.

Also R-27EA would be 50% more maneuverable, and R-27Rs are more maneuverable.

Yeah but I mean like cmon, they turn like shit and light your rwr up. I quick cold and chaff or notch chaff and switch direction and it’s off you.

That should start hurting to talk so much bs.
F16A and mig 29 are not superior to IRIAF in every way.
IRIAF has best long range missiles on 12.7, and that cant be denied. Fakours are even faster vs 120’s. Yes, they dont manouver so good, but those things trust in raw power.
And IRIAF is better on gunrange dogfight vs mig 29.
F16 has a lot better airframe and IR missiles.
Both has better RWR and mig 29 a lot better radar.