F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

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I have full understanding if there’s limited dev resources/time, and that adding this new AoA limiter feature to a bazillion planes might be too much for this update, but I agree with you.

It’s not OK to simply label “not a bug” in this case. That essentially amounts to throwing a genuine report in the paper bin.

IMO the correct response would be “Accepted, will be implemented at a later date”

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I wouldn’t be mad if they hadn’t of said “No further bug reports will be accepted.”

As you said, it’s throwing a genuine report in the garbage.

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Yeah, apparently the installation of AN/ALQ-126 started around 1984 with the F-14A BuNo.161168.

It can be seen in some F-14As taken around the same time.

VF-1 Wolfpack 1984

VF-1 Wolfpack 1986

VF-211 Checkmates 1987

However, not all Tomcats belonging to their particular Squadron underwent this modification, and we could see a mix of those modified or not Tomcats throughout the 80s-90s even on same squadron.

For their mechanics, it must have been horrible.

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