F-111F IMO should be 11.3 (same as Su-24M) and not 11.7 .. so hard to survive in ARB

so I do ok / fine with the SU-24M at 11.3 but w/ the F-111F at 11.7 I am up against Mig-29, F-16, F-14’s etc. With the current RHM/AHM meta the F-111F seems very weak and can’t manvr to survive.

I’ve tried all the normal bomber tactics but with it raining AHM, how in the world do you try to play this in ARB and live or even make it to a base to bomb? The AIM-9L’s are outclassed by all the SARH/AHM and don’t really help


You meant to bomb people in ground and not bomb people in the air.

true, but I don’t care for GRB, maybe lower it for just ARB and keep it same for GRB. it’s just the other .4 puts you up into another tier of planes that out class you.

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My guy, I’m having an absolute BLAST in this plane. 6 Aim-9Ls and a non off-centered Vulcan goes so hard. The engines are insane, and the FM is wonderful with manual wing sweep.

If anything it should go up…

I’ve had an okay experience however, the acceleration is what kills the plane because other aircraft can reach bases a lot faster and can catch up to you.

The FM is not great because the moment you turn you lose speed significantly faster in comparison to other jets. It can turn fast once, but after that, it turns into a brick. This plane is meant for booming & zooming, nothing else.

I do feel like it should be 11.3

Meanwhile the Tornado Gr1, ASSTA1 and A200A are all 11.7 with only 2x Aim-9Ls and a slower airframe and a lot less flares. F-111C/F are fine at 11.7 and may even end up at 12.0

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so BasherBenDawg you just DF with it? If so how do you fight against RHM/AHM?

Morvran, so the Tornado has much faster acceleration and gets to the base much quicker, and stand a good chance of getting points the F-11F is so slow at first I can’t reach the base. Tornado is also more mnrv. so maybe it’s me, but how do you fly the F-111F successfully? I don’t get why the Su-24M is lower.

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Su-24M is slower than the F-111 and has 4x R-60Ms which have a shorter range than the Aim-9L. F-111F also carries 6x Aim-9Ls and a LOT more CMs.

Tornados rarely reach bases because the F-4s get there first. So its a mute point really, but in a flat line run. F-111s reach a higher overall top speed. Also where the Tornado only has 56 flares. The F-111F could take 240 if they so chose. F-111F also has a bigger bomber payload than the Tornado and whilst I dont think it should be considered in the BR. Gaijin does.

All in all. I’d place the Su-24M and the WTD61, MFG and A200 Tornados correctly at 11.3 and the F-111C/F at 11.7.

The problem though does exist for the Tornado Gr1, A200A and ASSTA1 which are identical to the earlier tornados bar GBUs and yet have the higher BR. They need a buff of some description to justify the higher BR, but what is hard, because I wouldnt want them to go up in BR at all. Leaning towrads Aim-9Li, but that might even be enough to bump it up.

Either way. F-111F with 240 CMs and 6x Aim-9Ls at 11.3 is just insane.

That being said. It doesnt matter. You could give the F-111F 6x Aim-9X, 1000 CMs and make 11.0 and it would still face the same problem. ARB is not designed for any ground attack aircraft. In fact its practically designed to be bad for them. I would recommend playing the F-111 in Air Sim until such time we get an RB EC gamemode


fair points, although the R-60M seems pretty good lately. One question how do you get 240 CM for F-111F? I just the normal amount for unlocking the CM. and your right I would like to RB EC, that would help.

Hmm… F-111C has 240 and thought the F-111F got bug reported to have the same amount as the F-111C back on the dev server. So either that bug report hasnt been fixed yet or Gaijin decided to give it less for balance reasons (F-111C only has 4x Aim-9Ls and less A2G payload)

Im unfamiliar with the term RHM & AMH.

But yes I dogfight with the Vark, and it does surprisingly well against nearly all enemies it comes across that’s to its lifting body, amazing engines, large ammo pool (I usually dump about 1000 ends at the start, I won’t need em all and they weigh me down) and my excessive amount of missiles. So long as you use manual wing sweep and know what you’re doing, you’re an extremely agile threat despite your size.

Well, my stock F-111C does blow up a lot, thanks to all those F-14s.

Well I mean, you do have significantly worse engines and weigh more with the bigger wings (and have 2 less missiles because gaijins stupid)

But yeah the Fakours can be a problem, but when I’m able to recognize if it’s an uptier or not, then I can know to fly high or fly low.

Im assuming RMH is radar missile homing Or what everyone else would call SARH


AMH Active missile homing or what everyone else would call ARH.

But thats just a guess based upon context.

That would make a lot more sense lol, I ain’t ever seen anyone refer to them as that haha

Nor have I, unless its a translation thing?

on paper, it lookd fab for ARB. Sure, it’s no F-16, but it’s got a Vulcan, 6 9Ls, decent FP, an insane top speed, good amount of CMs, can’t see the F staying at 11.7 for ARB. 111C might be a different matter thanks to the reduced power, and the two less 9Ls (pending review)

If they don’t give it them I’m just laugh so hard. Britain suffers lmaooo

I mean, it’ll just be a reason for it to be a lower BR. That, stacked with no GBU-15s, and the naff engines (worst case) should put them at different BRs