With the F-111A coming next update, there’s been a lot of discussion about where to put another member of the 111 family- the F-111C. This poll is intended to determine what current player consensus is.
F-111C: Australian variant of F-111. 28 produced. Based on F-111A but with improvements from F-111B, FB-111A, and F-111F that makes it arguably the best F-111, on par with the F-111F. With up to AIM-9Ls, Pave Tack, and laser-guided bombs, it is ~11.3 material.

F-111K: British variant of the F-111 based on the F-111A but with improvements based on the F-111D and FB-111A. With up to AIM-9Ls, AIM-7s, but no Pave Tack or laser munitions, it’d be a more fighter-oriented F-111 but still ~11.3 material. 2 incomplete prototypes.

How would you like to see these two aircraft implemented when they eventually come?
- 111C USA Squadron, 111K British TT
- 111C USA Squadron, 111K British event/premium
- 111C USA Squadron, 111K not in game
- 111C UK TT, 111K British TT
- 111C UK TT, 111K British event/premium
- 111C UK TT, 111K not in game
- 111C UK event/premium, 111K British TT
- 111C UK event/premium, 111K British event/premium
- 111C UK event/premium, 111K not in game
Let me know your thoughts!
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Why would the US needs the F-111C, when they have a whole bunch of other American F-111s that could be added?
A counter point being all the other Australian vehicles in the UK tree, the M1A1 AIM is the exception not the rule
The UK has several tornado variants (GR.1, GR.1B, GR.4, F.2, F.3) and the F-111K, which gives them more potential swing-wing fighter-bomber variants than the American F-111 (111A, D, E, F)
The F.2 and F.3 are pure interceptor aircraft (with the exception of a few F.3s that carried the ALARM missile), so you can take them off the list. And the GR.1B is literally just the aircraft we have in game at the moment with the addition of the Sea Eagle missile, so it’s unlikely to come as a separate aircraft (just like the Jaguar GR.1B is not a separate aircraft). That leaves the UK with the GR.1 and GR.4 as swing wing bombers.
This thing has no relations to Britain and it should not be in any way, shape or form, in the British tech tree.
If you want an F-111, play the US tree. The T-90 was already absolute BS, stop trying to remove the uniqueness of other trees just because you want to play those vehicles. F-111K was never built, so it shouldn’t be in-game. The C variant should be a US premium/event.
Besides that, the F-111F is far more advanced than the F-111C, being better especially for WT purposes - it has 6 slots for AIM-9Ls and Ms, has the capability to mount the 20 mm Vulcan (which the F-111C does not), has AGM-130 which would easily be the best Air-to-ground guided ordinance if added now (which the F-111C again does not have), it has much more powerful engines and so on. The F-111C also has quite a bit worse maneuverability at 6.5 G versus 7.33 G for F-111F.

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111Cs can carry M61A1 as well
Also identical TF-30-P-100 engines with just a worse afterburner. Going back to the older, original afterburner could likely be a modification.
I’d argue against the 111F getting 9Ms, as as far as I know they were not used operationally (unlike 9Ls) and would necessitate a significant BR increase that would only hurt the vehicle.
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Notice “top tier vehicle”
WWII vehicles make sense for the British tree, as Australia was under British domain until late 1942, with them being completely independent from the UK in 1986. The 111C discussed is the 1990s upgrade.
You’re right on the F.2 and F.3
The GR1B is an equivalent to the Tornado Marinefleiger in-game. I agree it’d be an unlikely addition considering the similarity to the GR.1, but we have already seen such a vehicle in game.
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F-111C was used by Australia which is commonwealth nation.
The f111c was originally produced in the United States and should never go into the uk section and should instead be a upgrade to the f111a and be modeled after the navy blue aircraft still around and carry 8 aim 9 g, p and e’s to make it accurate and more powerful with a anti shipping missile like the real f111c had. And ne more thing which is make I have the dump and burn as a show aspect instead of coloured smoke
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i think here that your missing the point with the c varrient as it was never even accociated with britan at all and all the c varients were actually made in the usa before being transported over to australia so it should be in the usa tech tree
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Please war thunder devs read this and change one thing for me.
I am a Australian war thunder and this player who has been grinding USA aircraft for 1 year straight to get the f111 as the Australian f111c is my favourite aircraft in the world as I have loved it since I was young and I know everything about it such as its country it was made in and I know for a fact that the f111k that you have put in the USA tech tree for the dance of the dragon update is actually a f111 variant built for the British. Wile the f111c had less relation and should be in the USA tech tree. Please for me and all the Australian players who were play war thunder and love the f111c swap the 2 f111 variants around and make it accurate and fair.
All Australian players and anyone else who agrees help correct the placement of the f111c into the American tech tree.
I know I said the f111k in my last post but even though it’s the f111f so just add the f111c to the USA tech tree
Also Australian, and I just want all our vehicles to stay in one tree.
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I say it’s time for a Aussie tree or make a sub-tree in America since UK gets South Africa
Did the C model get the extra thrust in the end?
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Gaijin overall seems to have rushed the implementation of the F–111C/F in general. F-111C as mentioned just lacks the extra missiles and GBU-15. Both missing the AGM-130, the C could maybe also get AGM-142s, which could at least massively help the C model. Radar is copy paste of a completely unrelated radar (F-5E radar) and the RWR is a copy paste of the APS-109 RWR of the F-111A, it’s also simply the wrong RWR in the case of the F-111F.
I hope at least the C model can get the missing armaments soon and that the radar/RWR issues will be fixed in the next major at latest. Considering there are many updates stacked in a short timespan in this period of the year, I guess there is a decent chance internally the devs are still working on the Aardvarks, but it just got essentially released too soon as result as well. Funny though (not really) that the US F-111F got its countermeasures fixed so fast while the F-111C’s missiles and bombs weren’t.
F-111C has better wings with slightly weaker engines.
F-111C performs similarly enough to F-111F to warrant similar BRs, especially when F-111F could lose 2 of its 9Ls, or F-111C can gain 2 9Ls when those bug reports are finished.
Tornado GR1 is inferior to F-111C.
The F-111F has over 20% more thrust than the C. That’s more than a slight increase.
15,000kgf vs 12,800kgf.
17% difference.
And the better wings of F-111C reduces speed bleed of the F-111C in its current flight model.
Right now, F-111C and F-111F bleed speed at almost an identical rate.
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