F-111C Placement

No news I guess regarding sidewinder pylons or GBU-15?


Afaik completely nothing. Nothing about the radar and RWR either. And here I was thinking Gaijin’s plan was to at least finalize the F-111C/Fs in this update considering their state in the last one. There is still hope but I don’t have a lot of it.


Sad Its Over GIF by Star Wars

Hi @Smin1080p_WT ,

Any news re the below bug reports? thx
[DEV] F-111C missing GBU-15
F-111C - Missing AIM-9 shoulder pylons
[DEV] F-111C missing outer pylons for bombs

r2-d2 GIF by Star Wars

Working on unlocking the C model right now. Excited, but… dissapointed. Worse in every way compared to the F yet same br. Seems more equal to su-24m at 11.3. Worth staying at 11.7 if it hopefully gets some love.

Any news on the K model?

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Yeah, for it to be justified at the same BR, it should get the extra 9Ls and GBU-15(V)2/Bs as well. Alternatively, I also submitted a report for the GBU-24s a bit ago here, which would vastly improve the lock on ranges for it, which would allow for extended stand-off capability. If that would be changed, imo the F-111C would also be pretty good and not necessarily require the GBU-15s, though I would still at least like to see the shouler pylon 9Ls.

Also no news on the K model, and I think there will never be news about it. The C model was specifically given to the UK because they were not going to add the K model, as it was never finished.


K is dead. C isn’t even a proper build (Early or Late for example, just random bits of both).

It’s where it “should” be because Americans need handholding and Brit players don’t apparently.


I would be happy with the GBU-15. A degree of FnF is needed at the high tiers. And the Shoulder pylon 9Ls are mandatory, since you have to give up a huge portion of your ordnance to be able to defend yourself, ESPECIALLY when using LGBs.

“Never finished” is a poor reason to not be added, since we have vehicles that in the same situation, nevermind the things that never got past the drawing board. welp.

Though with the GBU-15s, the shoulder pylons become inoperable because the GBU-15 fins are just that large… However in those cases you could use 2 GBU-24s (they would be pretty good if buffed, otherwise I would honestly take the GBU-10s) + 2 GBU-15s + 2 9Ls, bit less ideal, or do an assymetric load with 3 GBU-15s and 2 9Ls.

I would also kinda like to know if the C/F were compatible with the vulcan gunpod that the A models has, could be handy when taking the TGP.

It depends. In this case the devs chose the C as a substitute for the K model because it existed. In case a substitute does not exist, only then the devs may consider adding proposed/prototype vehicles. Though idk if the K model had anything special going for it, in that case maybe we might see it one day. If it doesn’t offer anything substantial over the C model then probably not.


I could understand it not being “needed”, but it would be nice as an event or premium. Using british weaponry and having a different setup for its weapons makes it unique enough imo.

Mostly worse in acceleration, that’s about it.
Su-24M is slower, worse missiles, and worse dogfight capability than F-111C.
Su-24M is so obviously worse in every way.

Hi lads, has this photo been used yet? looks like the shoulder pylon?