F-111A needs work

First off, this plane is completely overtiered. It is absolutely aweful at it’s new BR of 10.7. Somehow Gaijin thought this was balanced here.

You’re too slow to bomb bases since you’ll never get there first, maneuverability is aweful and you have absolutely trash weaponry. Aim9Bs at this BR are useless especially in a plane that is a brick.

To make matters worse, the third person gun sight is completely off. The 20mm vulcan is angled slightly down. The cockpit gun sight is correct but the 3rd person gun sight is far too high. See clip below.


i usually just side climb and wait for bases to respawn at minute 16
for the BR, it’s should be 10.0 and F-4C should be 10.0 too


This is the only plane in game with an actual realistic gun-crosshair alignment lol. GJN just slaves most guns to the crosshair for ease of gameplay, thats why many planes shoot through the radome. But its weird they only did such a chage to this aircraft only

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I do agree the F-111A is nerfed to be almost useless against any other aircraft apart from having a crazy payload of bombs. Good luck most of the time even getting to bomb target before your dead. I know it was nerfed for balancing purposes but the F-111 should be able to outrun almost every plane in the game. It’s pretty much a sitting duck but if you happen to somehow reach your target, you can destroy half a battlefield in one pass… maybe dodge one missile until the minimal amount of flares and chaff are gone. One of my favourite planes is pretty underwhelming to fly


Fly it in sim.

Just like most dedicated attackers, actually.

I know it’s a lame excuse for people who prefer RB, but really, if you especially enjoy flying attackers/bombers in RB, you’ll probably be even more at home in Sim…


In sim mode it has full performance? Because in real life the F-111 should almost be the fastest plane in the game


10.7 is a downtier to where it was before.
10.7 = 10.0 equivalent due to the BR decompression.
It will ultimately see less than it did prior.

As for bombs. 2 3000s, or 4 3000s is the best loadout for bombs.
Otherwise you bring rocket pods.

I didn’t talk about performance. I talked about the fact that you don’t have to race faster accelerating (=/= faster) fighters for rarely spawning bases all located beneath the massive fighter furball that is RB.

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I prefer 2 x aim9b, 2x pockets, 2x 3k lb bombs + gun like this. you can swing wings and be slightly faster


They should consider adding AIM-9Es or even AIM-9Js at this point for the F-111A’s current state and BR.

It’s almost straight-up pointless to play even in Air RB compared to something like the F-4 Phantom which may not carry as many bombs as the but at least doesn’t bleed so much damn speed like it’s an entire flying airbrake in the slightest of turns to regain acceleration while also having the hottest temperature jet engines in the game (same as F-14A’s) for IR missiles to fall in love tracking like an abusive ex-girlfriend really doesn’t help it either.

The F-111 is also massive in size as a jet, being one of if not the biggest current jets in the game to easily hit with aircraft guns only.

It’s pretty much a free SL/XP pinata plane at this point and I feel pretty guilty whenever I see or kill one.


The thing is a joke at 10.7. Massive drag nerfs so it can barely even break mach 1, misaligned cannon sights, and it doesn’t even get its HISTORICAL 9J’s. They also decided to nerf its CM’s with this patch, they are no longer large caliber.


you can wing swing with that loadout??? I thought any rockets disabled wing sweep

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Missiles attach to sides of second pilon, so they don’t block wing swip. Except you use gunpods that always block wing swip.

Looks like we finally got some notice at least with the F-111’s terrible gun.


So why not create a bug report about this? I always support historical changes.

you can swing wings

Rip half your earnings, though, as the bombs >750lbs give you less SL and RP (last time I checked). Idk why they decided to make it so that you could only have one pair of 500lbs, 750lbs, or rocket pylons.

I almost have the F-111A and I’d like to see the gun alignment fixed.
The slow acceleration is accurate for the A model, a major gripe the navy had with the F-111 was that it was underpowered. More powerful engines came in later models, and the top speed is not in question.
I don’t know why but Instructor SEVERELY limits the F-111’s agility in game. Turn it off and see how well it turns. A revision to this would be nice. But also a revision to the HORRENDOUS speed wash while turning. I don’t know if there is any real world evidence to suggest an F-111 would go from mach 1.2 to doing 500km/hr in a single 180 degree turn. It’s so bad that even slight inputs on the stick make you slow down, further crippling the issue of the poor acceleration.


This one is more for ground targets for grind i have setup like this

I don’t have the time nor patience to dig up records, but I know it used them for pylons 3A and 6A.