F-111 and the A-10 Late

i know im really late to the f-111 just got it but this is kind of just sad.
for how many times you get up-tier in the game the f-111 speed is just way to slow and it cant even climb/doge missiles due to it losing all of its airspeed just by turning 40 degrees left/right/up/down no matter what you do and then the wingspan for the plane can make you only carry 4 BLU-1 bombs if you want to go a max speed of 800mph. and again due to its almost constant up tier BR for the rank its in it cant even outrun enemy jets without the wings going in tho your max speed is 650 until your wings rip off.

then for the A-10 Late its just way to high of a rank it should be put back down to rank 6 where it was located before. at least if its up-tier it can stand somewhat of a chance

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Bait used to be believable

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Tell me why a 30G all aspect missile should be rank 6

I dont think the F-111 can go any lower in BR 6-8x Aim-9B, super-sonic platform and a lot of ammo if you take the gunpod. It would be a total menace that few aircraft could actually defend against. (also large calibre flares that make you immune to most IR missiles, especialyl when you consider it also has MAWS) That being said, maybe just maybe 10.3, but its pushing it a bit.

I think now we have the Split BRs, we may see it get Aim-9Es but could very well increase its BR by 1 stop. But aircraft like the F-111 were never meant for the kind of envrioment that is Air RB, so dont expect it to be good.

What is really needed is an RB EC gamemode where strike aircraft of all types (from the A-10/Su-25 to the Interdictors like the F-111 and Tornado) would be effective. In the meantime. Id suggest learning how to play Air sim. Aircraft like the Tornado go from fish out of water, to very powerful aircraft. I imagine the same is true for the F-111.

Rank has no bearing on the MM.The A-10 along with all other aircraft, moved up in BR to decompress the gamemode. Aircraft like the A-10 were dominating because they were facing 9.0s with no CMs and thus had no defence. Short of undoing that decompress. The A-10 is in the perfect place. Again, Its not a dogfighter, its not meant for the brawl that is ARB, try it in ASB or ideally, where its meant to be used GRB.

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first off its 20G pull not 30G 2nd the way the plane is made cant fight in head to head fights due to losing all speed within the first 2 sec of turning and the regain for the lost speed is very slow. but for the f-111 if they do downtier it they can make it carry AIM-9L and not AIM-9b easy fix

F-111A never carried Aim-9Ls, but if it did, it would be 12.0. You do know that right?

Aim-9E is the best you can hope for and even then maybe end up pushing you to 11.0

Why are you trying to dogfight in an F-111?

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From the war thunder wiki lmao

That’s because it’s an attacker, it isn’t designed to dogfight. Use the AIM-9L in headons and you can decimate people

Prove that it carried it

AIM-9Js were used on F-111As as well, but thats more than i think it needs. There is 0 reason it shouldnt have AIM-9Es even at its current BR.

Yep, Aim-9Js would very likely see it more like 11.3

might want to update your link there bud before you get muted for false info XD