Hello, there is a bug with the RWR of the 104 asa, where it does not display who is tracking you, nor where. You only hear the sound and nothing else.
It’s not a bug, that’s just how the radar works. It’s the same as is seen on the F-104J and a few others. It only tells you if there’s a lock, not the direction.
The F-104 G (both italian and german versions) RWR does tell you where you’ve been locked, and also the 104s
ASA has different RWR, although it also should have ECM
Bruh, so, you mean that this is not a bug, and its correct? Now that I’m checking it doesn’t say how many threats it can show you.
those who know
As far as I know, thats correct.
Not a bug. That’s just how it is
Not a bug. The real F-104S.ASA had its RWR replaced with a very rudimentary one (sound only in game) because INSTEAD they had installed an advanced ECM suite which fufills the same purpose but is a more modern solution.
Gaijin naturally decided to add the plane without adding ECM Suites as a mechanic so you get to play a jet with its only way to defend against radar missiles turned off.
sorry not sorry but G and regular S versions are supposed to have this rwr too