F-100D Overheating with WEP when it's not supposed to

How long is this gonna go on for? It’s a really annoying bug. I guess I can’t be too surprised that Gajin hasn’t fixed it, taken as this is an American vehicle we’re talking about.

Gaijin does not have a bias.

Laughs in Harrier.


One of the coldest jets IRL, one of the hottest ingame. truly a Gajin moment


Its time to climb to 30k feet takes over a minute to long according to the flight manual and it takes 30 longer to accelerate to .9 Mach too.

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How badly is it overheating?

I’m just flying the ROC F-100A around in the test flight map, and I only had it overheat after I used 75% of my fuel/roughly 6-7 minutes of flight time, which really isn’t that bad at all. It’s a bit better than how quickly the Mig-19s or J-7s overheat.

I usually take around 20 minutes, and its overheating is actually pretty bad when AB is a neccesity for the F-100D.

Is it overheating at all alts?

A core thing to remember is that it was probably intended to be flying fairly high most of the time ready to intercept soviet bombers. In game its probably spending most of its time hugging the deck.

It is entirely possible that its correct. Though you’ll need sources to prove its wrong and submit a bug report

Is this only on hot desert like maps? You can test drive in the desert where temps are 30ºC

The F-100D is a fighter bomber so although I’m sure being at altitude was something it could do, it wasn’t made for that like an interceptor would be

IRL it probably spent most of its time near the deck since it was most used as CAS

I think the zero length launch system would make the f100d more usable though

But even in a bomber role. It likely wouldnt be sat on max afterburner for extended periods of time near the deck. Likely dropping weapons from high alt or diving in, hitting a target and then climbing back out again

The problem is, I can’t prove a negative. There’s no evidence that it had overheating problems, but there also isn’t any evidence that it didn’t.

Despite this, the burden of proof is on me.

If you can find the manuals, which should be declassified. it should have the engine operating temps and probably information on the max temps the engines can reach. Then you just compare in game. If its reaching 1000°C and going red but the manual says that its max temp is 1200°C then that is an easy thing to bug report using that manual.

Totally random numbers i made up


War thunder =/= real life

the issue comes where the aircraft are being used in ways that they wouldnt be used IRL. Like sitting at AB at sea-level for extended periods of time.

I’m fairly certain 100% of engine temps in Warthunder are determined by engine thrust (and never real life values), but I can try.

IR Signatures for IR guided missile are based upon thrust not temp

Engine temps in relation to engines overheating/sustaining damage is the temps seen in the top left

Harrier is a rocket even on 80% power.

WEP is needed for vertical takeoff with load.

Gajin just really hates the Harrier though. Their thrust is too low, their drag is too high, and they are insanely hot despite being pretty cool irl.

Hopefully F-35B will not be as bad since it uses very different system

80% is actually the harrier engine at its normal max RPM. Going above 80% is pushing it above the max RPM which is why it starts to overheat. WEP is water injection only meant to use for extra power in VTOL.

But Harriers are more than likely underperforming notably in pretty much every single aspect

Hopefully by the time F-35s are added the game still isnt using Thrust = IR signature system it is today and we’ll have a more in-depth IR modeling that can actually handle things like VIFF exhaust on a harrier