Everything wrong with the AMX-30, AMX-32 and AMX-40 series of vehicles

can we expect any buff for optic magnification(thermal optic channel now is counted), turret traverse rate and elevation rate for AMX32, 40

I will add the issue to the thread. Thank you for pointing it out !

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I don’t think anything new will come for the optics. Thermal channels are not better than daytime optics.
Turret traverse rate idk however. AFAIK, it should be similar to the base AMX 30B2 tech wise in this aspect

A few bug reports here to add to the list too:


Added to the original post !


A small buff for the AMX 32 (120): AMX 32 (120) Missing KE Protection

I’ll have to review all the sources I have lying around before reporting the AMX 40’s armour. However, sources generally agree that it was designed to defeat APDS and was qualitatively comparable to Chobham.


Is it true that the French OFL 105 F1 APFSDS had a unique tip with 300 tungsten pellets? And was it reported yet ?

It does indeed contain tungsten pellets:

I’m unsure about whether it is 300 though. However, it could be calculated with pretty good precision:

Here is a cutaway of the round:



It would be possible to calculate the volume of the chamber by pixel measuring the cutaway using the diameter of the penetrator as reference as well as some maths.

The tungsten pellets are spherical and have a diameter of 3mm:


It would then be possible to calculate how many of those pellets would fit in the chamber since the random packing of equally sized spheres has a density of 63.5%.

But no, it hasn’t been reported and I don’t entirely remember the maths to calculate the volume as you would have to take the 2D surface area and then ‘rotate it’ 360° around an axis to find the exact volume.


The top speed should also be reduced to 60km/h due to the AMX 30 S chassis being used. But I will double check this at a later date with someone and look into the best way of reporting this without the devs completely cooking the mobility (which would most certainly happen). But now I have to go make some reports for the Leclerc :(

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They should remove APDS from the current DCA and put it at 8.3, with the actual French DCA with APDS and the current engine power at 8.7

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Possibly. But the AMX 13 DCA could be put at 8.3:


And then the radar-less AMX 13 DCA at 7.7 or 8.0:



And the AMX 30 S DCA could perhaps be a premium? It could actually be quite popular to be honest.


AMX 30 and AMX 30 (1972) incorrect name // Gaijin.net // Issues

This report the TM is requesting source compilation.

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Yeah, I may have hijacked that report. If you need anything further @Abaddon75 let me know.

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In worst case, I think we need to you to raise another report for the same issue.

AMX-30 DCA radar not folding correctly
I don’t know if it will be fixed soon or not so I put this here just in case.

It’s like Gaijin think us Westerners haven’t got any idea how ERA/NERA can be made to be effective against KE type rounds?

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Seems that except Russia themselves, all nations don’t know how, Gaijin never made them correctly( Thanks to some of the employees of Gaijin, always not a bug lmao)

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“one block of ASPRO has STANAG L5 protection (84mm)”

said round with 84mm of pen goes through two and only gets stopped by the third

I’ve been thinking a lot about the AMX-40 and AMX-32 in War Thunder recently, so it’s nice to see a post that mentions them. I figured I might as well bring up what I’ve been thinking about here and see if anyone else has something to say about it.

Does anyone think the AMX-32 or AMX-40 might need small buffs, maybe in the way of reload speed or even OFL 120 G1’s penetration? IRL, it is meant to pierce 420mm @ 1000m, but in game it only does 382. With the recent changes to some vehicles’ reload speeds and the overall already-low penetration of the round they use, I feel like the AMX-40 (and especially AMX-32, which lacks the 40’s amazing mobility) are outmatched in the department they need to be excelling in as light MBTs.

I don’t think it’s the most necessary change - they’re both very good vehicles, and just correcting thermals and armour could probably be enough of an improvement - but I wanted to point it out anyway. It just feels like they’re being powercrept, and people aren’t noticing because most don’t play them.

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I think reload speed should definitely be reduced to 5 seconds. If American tanks can get a reload of 5 seconds with their diet of Big Macs and Dr. Pepper, I see no reason for the AMX 40 to get at least that when it has a loader assistance mechanism.

OFL 120 G1 can have its density corrected which would result in a few millimetres of extra penetration (nothing to write home about, though). But unless any new information comes to light regarding penetrator dimensions, it won’t really improve until then.

Armour can definitely be improved as well as thermals. But to be honest, most of France’s 10.0-11.0 MBTs would come in the form of Leclerc prototypes which only ever used OFL 120 G1.

On a side note: I’ve always found the AMX 40s mobility to be pretty underwhelming considering it has 30hp/t - does anyone else share this sentiment?