Everything Players Should Know About Gaijin Entertainment

It’s no secret that any company is focused on making a profit, but today I want to share a surprisingly sneaky and underhanded story about what the developers at Gaijin Entertainment are willing to do to avoid losing profit.

Last night, while playing this wonderful game, I decided to spin the Tourist Suitcases. Imagine my shock when, after opening 30 containers, I got a coupon for the IS-7, with a drop rate of about 0.001%!

Naturally, I rushed to the marketplace and, stunned by the price (a purchase request for 1400 GJN), I sold it, as this literally amounts to unlimited free in-game content (1 GJN = 1$). With the 1190 GJN I earned, I went on a shopping spree, buying various bundles.

And then the sneaky stuff began. After playing a bit in the evening and setting up my vehicles and crews, I went to bed. The next morning, after playing three terrible matches before heading to work, everything was fine with my account. But when I came home for lunch and logged into my beloved game, I was greeted with a full-screen message of joy:

For six months leading up to this day, I had been playing almost non-stop through dozens of both great and terrible matches, and no one ever banned me. If I were cheating, it would have happened much earlier, without such an incredible coincidence. Yet, in the game, there are hundreds of Chinese players and others who have been playing with cheats for years, destroying everything in sight, shooting down planes with tanks from 5-10 km away, and getting nukes every other match, and nothing happens to them. Why? Because when you check their profiles, you’ll see dozens of premium tanks worth $60-70 on their accounts. That’s the same reason they’re never moved off the CIS/EU servers.

But as soon as a player wins an ultra-rare coupon worth $1400 (Some people haven’t won anything worthwhile from containers in 6 years) – Gaijin immediately finds cheats/bots/mods on their account, because I’m no longer going to be profitable for them. And they chose an interesting reason for the ban too. There’s no review for bans under this reason; it’s a permanent ban, and good luck proving you’re an honest player. But do you really believe in such coincidences? Yesterday, you win $1400 out of thin air, and today, they block your access to it indefinitely.

Draw your own conclusions, dear players.


Maybe some of the mods could push this to be taken a look at?

Mabey ask for explicit evidence from mods of ur chaeting?

Have you contact support or any game master? Honestly we only see your word here and no definitive proof that u aren’t actually cheating or botting as well.

Naturally, I contacted customer support and have not yet received a response, but I guarantee it will be the standard template reply: “Blah blah blah, we have irrefutable evidence that you violated the rules, and we won’t show it to you because you should read the user agreement carefully, and that’s where it will end.” Just take a look at how quickly the moderator on the CIS forum closed and HID my thread from the general search. It’s just ridiculous and obvious.
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My post and story are not about hoping for an unban—I’m 99% sure that the folks at Gaijin won’t do anything and will quietly sweep this under the rug. One less player, one more, so to speak. My speech is for other players who buy premium vehicle packs, premium accounts, and invest huge amounts of money into this game. Unfortunately, I’m the same way and sometimes spend a lot of money on games, and War Thunder is no exception. What I want to show is that at any moment, if someone higher up decides you’re no longer profitable for the company as a cash cow, they will banned you down and kick you out. This is the policy of all these so-called free-to-play projects. I can never believe that I would have been banned if I hadn’t received a coupon worth $1400. Such coincidences don’t happen.

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@Stona_WT We got another one.

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Okay that is just crazy what happend to you. I can’t be sure that you really cheated or not but this is really wierd. I wish the best for you an your account. But I think when someone spends houndreds of dollars out of nowhere into the game I would be taking a pretty good look on it too.

What do you mean by this?

We had multiple cases of this folks claiming they were banned for Insert excuse here, but often or not were banned for something completely different.

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Another cheater complaining they got banned.

Post a link to one replay of yours and we could look at it ourselves. And of course others by the same ID/Player Name.

Yeah I mean not everyone is a cheater. I want to see what the support tells him

Getting banned right after winning 1400 Dollars is wierd

Honestly, I think there has only ever been one person who’s gotten banned but was found innocent,
Zoltan Sultan made a video covering the whole this.

In this case, I by no means believe he’s innocent its way too fishy. Way too many red flags.


Can you send us the link or is it all russian?

He wasn’t banned for the 1400.
That’s the cover-up. He was banned for cheating which is what the guidelines stated. This implies that his account was removed for cheating such as Aim-Assist. As well as the one that allows you to target stuff in RB or Sim without needing to look at them since the software does this for you.

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I know, but can we be 100% sure that he was banned for this. Maybe its justt because of gajins fault.

Points for creativity …


It never is. The ones almost always sending these reports are players. Who looks into these types of people? You also take notice of how they act in replays cause the easiest way to take notice of someone cheating is by looking at how the turret moves, if it moves very robotically left->swing to right->Swing to left extremely smoothly then you have a red flag. However, the moment their gun starts adjusting to a target especially one so far from the map there is no way in hell that player saw them. Then that’s red flag 2.