Am I crazy or is the event multiplier not working correctly?
For example, I got one kill in an F-5C in Air RB for 575 score. According to the event multiplier I should have received the following:
575x1.4 mode multiplier=805
575x1.2 vehicle multiplier=690
for a total score of 1,495. Instead I got less than half that at 707. What am I not understanding?
You did the math wrong.
It is not 575×1.4+575×1.2.
It is 575×1.4×1.2
Yes. Without being able to see any other info, there is a chance that he left the match early and saw the results of another match that got him 707.
I left the match after I died and did not play another one. There wasn’t a match in progress either. I was specifically waiting for the score to be added. My score was 30,775 before the match and 31,482 after I received the notification the match had ended. I’ll keep an eye on it I guess but it wouldn’t surprise me if Gaijin is nerfing progress on purpose.