[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

This is how GRB feels/plays. IMO one of the easiest ways to make this a lot better is to change it to GAB. GRB just encourages camping, especially when everyone needs to get to a predetermined exfiltration zone.

So i put in some more time in FFA.

MUCH better experience. Exfils are much more spread out, but there is still a meta of camping them, ESPECIALLY with armored Echidnas, because fun fact the 25mm and 23mm AP-T has 7mm of pen at 500m, so it literally cant engage the upgraded Echidnas outside of about 100m, while the Echidna’s own 40mm AP can needle shot anything at extreme ranges. Its not uncommon to see armored Echidna players getting absolutely mobbed in the chat for a single kill, and yes they do feel THAT unfair as on top of their insane accuracy and pen, they also have the ability to shoot forward, unlike most vehicles.

The unlockables are ridiculously powerful. One of them gets a HEATFS launcher (basically the M50/Type 60) and it will one shot any vehicle from any range without directly hitting it because guess what? its a HEATFS against literal TRUCKS.

Another meta is that armored Echidnas are sniping across the map for the first half of the game. Most of them seem to be players, but its painfully apparent that the echidna is a bot account wet dream for this event. If im getting sniped in the sandstorm, im assuming they are a bot, because no player can make those shots over and over on a target moving at 80 km/h from 1-2km out.

I dont want to be overwhelmingly negative, and i do appreciate the custom outfits for crew, the return of Last Stand mode, and the unique voice lines. I also like the backfiring exhausts,

Buuut, most of the “unique” voice lines are straight from Crossout. And the ‘Witness me!’ on extract doesnt feel like homage, it feels like imitation, but im harsh like that.

Other ideas this event should have done:
Boars should be gunless and immune to fire, they are literally a cargo wagon that already cannot fight back unless the target is in their limited arc AND within 200m, and even then, echidnas are practically immune to you.

While i understand the unlockable vehicles cost Rage tokens (from the current battle only), this means there is a HUGE power creep due to these vehicles needing to be worth an entire Token. Definitely could have gone with SP costs or even an ‘Extract Token’ so you HAVE to use a reserve and extract before getting the good vehicles, but this still leaves them power creeping, especially that HEATFS launcher.

I also think areas around extracts should just be a zone that disabled weapons to prevent camping, and that killing players isnt so heavily rewarded. dropping only 30 or 50% loot on death would be a great start, and maybe Rage Tokens dont have to be extracted IF you fill up the Rage meter (5) to decrease the meta of hiding right next to your own extract in FFA.


Ok I mean this in as respectful a way as possible. I hate loot extraction games. I adore the Mad Max esthetic but the rules of the mode make it difficult to enjoy. To cap that all off it’s limited to RB.

In the past April fools events have had the option to participate in AB more often than not.

The rules of loot extraction games such as Tarkov or the Dark Zone in the Division encourage the most irritating tactics known to man. I understand this is just an opinion but I’d wager it’s a popular one.

I can appreciate that the devs pour a lot of time and effort into these events. I can ignore the inherent issues with the type of mode that it is and have fun with it. My biggest gripe is the RB factor.

Please for the sake of fun, add an AB option. I shouldn’t need to eat several bars of panzer chocolate to see people.

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In general yes! i agree :)
i would however NOT have the aim marker and automatic spotting from GAB. it would make it feel to off in my personal opinion.

Hi, where do you find this menu?

Why does a ‘fun’ event have a grinding element to it?

What a horrible event.



2 days we got this when successfully extract ressources? And where is the crafting menu on PS5? It isn’t on the workshop nor the event menu.

My thrid life is bugging. I cannot do anything other than drive around, and cant even evacuate! If this is a bug please give us back our materials as we have lost a lot of resources due to this bug.

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I closed and reopened the game and now it work 👍

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I mean… your name is Jackal…

There should be more extraction zone or camping near extraction zone must be blocked. It’s a really frustrating experience to play for full 15 minutes and end up collecting nothing.

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lol, the oil tanks or whatever they are in the southeast of the map have no collision and you can drive inside of them and shoot out of them. Well balanced, Gaijin.


Had a similar thought. Booted up the game, played a match, and once I saw the crafting screen; didn’t play another match. And my first thought was “Dang, didn’t they say they were done with these like at the start of the year? We’re only four months in. That’s a record”.

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I can imagine after a week or even less the gamemode will be unplayable for people that didn’t grind


Tried again this morning to see how it goes, just watching half the team on both sides drive over and sit on the extraction point, the camper has a massive advantage over the players with unstabilized guns driving at speed who get the first vital hits in.
Waiting until more points open up at the end means you are just throwing time away.
There’s no fun to be had here in its current state unless you yourself like camping the extracts.

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It’s funny how they made an extraction mode, not learn from any of the mistakes of all the extraction games out there and make exfil camping the most viable way to play, but then to also pick vehicles that can not shoot forwards towards the extraction zone they need to get to, making exfil camping even easier.


it’s not that they didn’t learn from it, it’s that they made those problems even worse.


Gaijin: what is the kind of events you hate the most?
Players: crafting!
Gaijin: k, thx for your feedback…
Also Gaijin:


After countless matches of earning nothing and a few of actually getting away with some resources: I’ve finally unlocked the Reptile. Now that took me a long time to do since pretty much every aspect of this event is stacked against me. But what’s this? It requires me to spend a rage token to spawn? C’mon snail just let me play the things I ground so hard for. I know 1 token isn’t that difficult but it can’t even be a first spawn.

I just wanted to use a vehicle that can actually fire forward and defend itself. The porcupine and the boar are such a chore to play. I was really excited for the Reptile. Seeing that it has a spawn cost completely demotivated me from playing the event. I understand a spawn cost on the crazy rocket variant but not the base model. C’mon snail.


So the rage point cost for spawning needs to be gone, and the flamethrowers on the porcupine need to NOT hurt your own crew, I literally killed both my gunner and spare guy in about 2 seconds when i tried to burn a Boar down

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