[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

this event just seems poorly planned if you ask me, compare this to the previous years exosuit combat and you see that this adds nothing unique, this even is just extra stuff on rather meh vehicles, they can be fun in moderation but a whole event nah.

I barely recall last years event, this one will be even worse in that regard for me, add on the fact you can’t even get the decals and decoration post event, makes this another grind rather than an event.

Where have all the fun events gone, pirate ships, UFOs

seems the people that could make fun events left and the ones left have no creativity


So… You gave us crossout crafting event with shitty rewards and thought that’s actually a good idea?


Very fun event, i like it.

As a player of a certain extraction shooter set in russia, it’s so amusing to see people just now find out what “exfil camping” is.

I don’t condone the practise, mind you, but seeing people mald here on the forums is funny. This is a fun april fools event with minimal stakes, you should lighten up.

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Maybe because the community and the gameplay of your “certain extraction shooter set in russia” isn’t the same as Warthunder ? And players can’t criticize a event, so that maybe the devs fix it, or at least improve on the next one ? A forum is also made for feedback, negative or positive.


I don’t have the time to play this event. The Grind never ends… 🤷‍♂️

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That’s actually a very good idea.

Imagine that the top reward for this event was a unique vehicle. Knowing Gaijin, you would have to play for 3 whole weeks, several hours a day, to get it. That would be a terrible experience.

But because the rewards are nothing special, we don’t have to worry about missing something interesting. From that perspective, it’s a completely fine event. If you enjoy it, you can play it and get some minor unique things (loading screen, profile picture). If you don’t, you can skip it completely and won’t really miss anything.


Id enjoy it alot more if losing those resources didnt cost me the grind

Previous events did not have a crafting grind part of it


“umm ackshually it’s a GOOD thing that the mode is a pointless grind”


So it’s fun…but you somehow failed to realise people are just gonna camp the extracts. Basically pure RNG if you get out and if you don’t? Literally NOTHING for 15 mins of playing in a team. Zero resources.

Once again made what could be a fun event, a miserable, exploitable grind.


So, would this be linked with the next tank event? Will the next tank and other decorational rewards be themed around improvizations? Or they would be seperated IDK.


got out of a game were someone had the first real tank gun. he just killed everything with one hit. That mode could be fun. This is sadly not thought threw


I see

People just camping the exit area…rather use my Monday off to play some more Helldiver 2


Im still groggy…did I actually call out the event?

Really took the worst part of a crafting event (the crafting) and made it an integral part to have fun in the event (by having the good vehicles instead of being slaughtered by them)


worse event ever, why: BECAUSE IT’S INCONSISTENT AND FRUSTRATING AND IS BUGGUED AS HELL!!! And event is supposed to be fun, but peppering guys with 23mm to get them yellow and getting os isn’t fun. Dying because of some mf using scummy tactics isn’t fun. Having teammates in team mode able to steal your loot isn’t fun. Failing to get to the extraction point because of time (usually 2 seconds) isn’t fun. Grinding to get more vehicles isn’t fun (the upgrades ok , but they are just cheated, not just op). Next time focus on BALANCE AND RELIABILITY.


oh and did i mention the fact THERE IS TOO MUCH PEOPLE, DYING AFTER 10 SECONDS IS TRASH. I’m done with the event, i want to HAVE FUN, not getting bullshitted.

Sandstorms. Is it possible we could see these added to desert maps in the future? Would like to see more weather effects in the game.

Haven’t played the event yet so I’m interested in how it impacts gameplay.

Anyone experience the sandstorms yet and what are your impressions?