[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

from what i saw it was mostly “try to follow the tracers” as it was hard to see anything, much like thick fog

Knowing Gaijin, you would have to play for 3 whole weeks, several hours a day, to get it. That would be a terrible experience.

It’s even more insulting that they think they can give us a crafting event where we have to play for 3 weeks, hours a day, but instead get nothing.

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how am i supposed to get any resources when the opponents camp the exits?
locking resources behind a survival wall does not seem fair, there is going to be MANY players that won’t be able to get the rewards they want because they don’t have the skill.
fun events like this should be fun and rewards shouldn’t be locked behind a skill-wall.
i get it for the vehicle events. bit this? no.


This even is total bullshit, i play on xbox and everytime i finish a round i get absolutley nothing, not even the loot i collected and brought to the evacuation zone…

Fix your damn game and make it better ffs.

oh i forgot hackers that shoot through textures, and campers that just ruins the fun. BOTH SHOULD GET PERMA-BAN FROM THE EVENT OR EVEN THE GAME FOR HACKERS (do your job gaijin, they are really obvious and don’t give a crap getting caught…)!!!

You don’t have to play it. Who said you have to play and fully complete this event?

If they gave a vehicle as the main reward (what most players here want to see), you would feel forced to fully complete an event that you don’t even enjoy, especially if the vehicle was unique. But because the rewards are nothing special, only players who enjoy the event can play it, the rest can ignore it. What’s wrong with that?

You don’t like the event? There is no vehicle reward, so you don’t have to force yourself to play it, just skip it.
You like the event? Then the rewards shouldn’t matter too much, as you play the event for fun anyway.
Everyone wins.


slight modification: SILOS ARE NOT TEXTURES AND THEY DON’T RENDER WHEN YOUR PLAYING ULQ… Jusy FU gaijin, if you play higher quality, you see a texture, but on lower quality there’s nothing, i’m done with the event, i tried giving it a chance, but it’s just unplayable, even on team mode…

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i was playing for fun, but it’(s just unplayable, between glitchers, scumbags and tryhards having to extract to get your loot (with pieces of sh*t camping extract points). You’re supposed to have fun, but you can’t have any, it’s trash and it’s a shame because the concept is awesome in itself. Gaijin doing gaijin and not giving a F about potential issues that you see coming a mile away.

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You don’t have to play it. Who said you have to play and fully complete this event?

Like clockwork, ‘if you don’t like it, don’t play it’ crowd is awake.
yeah yeah yeah, we all know that.

If you’re trying to sell something valuable and they offer you an old smelly sock you don’t have to accept that offer either, doesn’t change the fact that it’s an insulting offer and one that should have not been made unless the intention was to insult.


I’m not sure I should be sad that I can’t play or not.
audio constantly cutting out and anytime I try to fire a gun it crashes each and every time even after verifying files and restarting the computer.

I’ve been trying to do passive runs and either way a single extract that is easy to camp is eh, even if I could shoot back the whole needing to extract to keep my goodies with the possibility of walking away with nothing ikinda sucks all the fun out of it


That’s the whole good thing about this specific event. You don’t have to play it and you won’t miss anything.

In many previous events you were forced to play them, because of event vehicles. Even if you didn’t enjoy them, you played them only for rewards. You don’t have to do this anymore and somehow you still complain.

It looks like War Thunder players simply love to suffer. And they want to suffer. I’m super happy this event doesn’t have a vehicle as the main reward. I don’t enjoy it, I don’t have to play it, so I will skip it and I won’t miss anything at all. I don’t like to suffer, so for me it’s a perfect event!

BTW: I enjoyed submarines event, and it also didn’t have any vehicles. I still completed it fully and had a lot of fun doing it. But the current event is a pass for me.

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Same here, the event keeps crashing my game when selecting or shooting

That’s the whole good thing about this specific event. You don’t have to play it and you won’t miss anything.

We shouldn’t have to hope for a unrewarding event so we can pass up on it, we shouldn’t have to fear actual rewards we want because that means we actually have to play these events.

At what point did this become an acceptable reality?

you’ll miss on the fun, and having it ruined by pieces of S is a shame. Saying if you don’t like, don’t play is moronic, because players want to have fun, but they can’t, that the difference.


So it has become a tradition to rip off the flow of the “current thing”. Nothing original anymore, disappointing to say the least.


gaijins originality died long ago, just typical corporate trend followers

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You are confusing things.

There are many players above, who said the event is terrible and not fun, but they still want it to have an vehicle as the main reward. So let’s say the main event reward would be a unique vehicle, would that make this event any more fun to play? And many players would feel forced to play it, unlike right now. You would have to play something you don’t enjoy.

There is also another problem of “what is fun?”. Because fun is an individual matter. What is fun for you may not be fun for someone else and vice versa. On this forum you mainly see players who complain about stuff. Players who enjoy the event just play it, they don’t waste their time writing on the forum. There is no way to create an event that 100% of players will like. For me submarines event was very cool and very unique, and most players here complained how pointless it was. It’s just the way it is.

If I had fun in the current event, I would play it. I wouldn’t care about the rewards anyway.

if your definition of fun is “ruining other players fun”, then you should just get banned from the game, you have no place in it.


or you know, the perfect event would be one a majority of players actually wants to play, finds fun to play and also has a good reward at the end that isn’t dependant on skill to get but only playtime.

before it was bad event but good reward, now its bad event bad reward. they changed it in the wrong direction in my opinion.
people want:
Good event and some small rewards.
Good event and good rewards.

the fun of the event is more important than the rewards to me, and so far most events have not been fun for me, the only one i had any fun with was the “Worm Thunder: Children of Arachis” event two years ago.


I think the presentation is cool. Unfortunately, the gameplay is pretty stupid, as there is one exit point that is always camped on. Only at the last minute are further paths opened. Unfortunately, the aggressive frenzy advertised in the trailer turns into the exact opposite. Ramming damage would have been great too. I tried it, unfortunately it didn’t work. In summary: The presentation and the vehicles are cool. The gameplay this time is nothing compared to last year.