[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

It seems to me that this event is geared towards those who have everything: they’ve basically researched all of their tech trees, bought all the premiums they want, and just continue playing the game for giggles. For the rest, this event can be seen as superfluous, as there is no reward outside of the event in the form of SL, GL, cumulative research, or premium vehicles, so this being April Fools is well named. For those who wish to play this I sincerely hope you have fun and enjoy the diversion. This event could actually be a game unto itself if expanded, IMO.

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Just like vehicles its easier to copy paste than to create something from scratch

With spawning in the more advanced vehicles requiring a rage point (or more than 1, idk, i only have the reptile so far), is this rage point used up? As in it’s permanently gone?

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Please fix the terrible lag spikes and FPS drops! I have already created a ticket.

Dunno. Might just be me. But this is one of the most boring event of all time in WT.
Can’t think of any other event that was worse/more boring then this. At least for me.

Sure the models looks good. But i would not expect anything else.
Consider the models we have in game. And have had in previous April fools event.
But the event itself thumbs down.

Having played 11 matches now and unlocked one new vehicle and two upgrades i have some constructive feedback:

What i like:

  • The vehicles and costumes of crew look really cool.
  • The voice lines are well made and fun.
  • the base concept is a fun idea.

What i don’t like sorted into levels of severity:

Desperately needs to be changed ASAP:

  • Many players report game braking bugs where they can’t play at all because the game crashes or their FPS drops to like 5-10. I’ve had the luck of not being affected by these.

  • Loosing ALL loot upon death is ridiculously disheartening. playing for a full match and getting NOTHING in terms of resources is turning away so many players from the event. let us keep like AT LEAST 1/4 of the loot if we die, preferably 1/2 of it.

  • The cisterns to the south east of the map are not visible on Ultra Low Quality settings and can be shot through by all players making it a HUGE advantage to those that play on ULQ. These need to be changed for something else that aren’t game breaking.

  • In team battle some sort of exit protection needs to be implemented as fast as possible. Players drive to the enemy exits and camp them to get kills to then die and keep the Rage tokens. There needs to be an area where the other team cant get to close to your teams exit.

Nice to haves sort of soon:

  • The sound is super bugged, sometimes some sounds completely disappear (like engine, guns or wind) or the sounds go SUPER loud compared to the rest.

  • Some sort of marker to know if a wreck still has its rage token or not would be nice, right now its a gamble to drive to one to either find nothing or get 5 tokens and as far as i can tell there is no way to know until you are there (yes there is an upgrade, but it only marks the map and tells you yes/no). make it like a small indicator floating slightly above the wreck that looks like claw marks counting like this:


  • Make the things you destroy to find loot disappear faster, if i’m looking for a specific loot i have to shoot them and then stand there and wait until they are gone to see what they dropped if they dropped any at all. just driving through them gives random reward and perhaps not the thing i’m looking for.

This that would have been nice in general:

  • Hiding the rewards in the same tree as the rest of the upgrades makes this a grind for those who don’t like the event. Have a separate score count for the rewards instead, in the same way you are doing regular events stars now.

  • The vehicles could have been faster and perhaps more easy to handle, right now it takes forever to drive over the map and if i just B-line it to the exit and drive through recourses on the way i BARELY have time to spawn three vehicles. it feels slow, sluggish and lethargic.

  • Give a way to reload vehicles, i have had several situations where i run out of ammo and have to defencelessly try to drive to the exit (where inevitably an enemy waits to camp-kill me for Rage tokens).

  • Something with the ammo/damage needs to change, i don’t know how or in what way, but i VERY often get to a point where either i or an enemy has a broken engine and killed gunner and gets shot over and over and over without dying. this makes it feel even slower and tedious to kill someone or wait for death.

  • It would be nice to be able to drop resources i have picked up if i find something i need more on the way to the exit but have a full inventory. its very annoying.

  • Fewer variants of resources. there are to many variants and we need to many of them. take away one or two to make it less convoluted.



Ah yes, I love driving copy and paste vehicles and ramming into material! Peak War Thunder gameplay I see…

Jokes aside this is a God awful event I won’t even bother playing.


That is probably from your side, im not experiencing that issue, even with horrible bandwidth.

nah, many people have this bug at the moment.


No. Good idea would be that we get those prizes without another crafting event bullshit they literally just got rid of…

The fact you have to grind just to play the better vehicles is instant turnoff for me.
The rampant exfil camping is another.


So the joke is its a grinding event? With no real rewards?
I think I will die laughing… :/

Looks entirely ignorable.
Shame they spent resources on this.

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“it’s a very, very
Mad world, mad world”

“Mad Camping Thunder” I wanted to like it, but I’m over it already. Not only does the only spawn point sometimes spawn on the enemy side (with multiple enemies camping it), you then have enemies camping the other 3 that will appear. So, if you are moving, you will never have the upper hand on exit. It completely encourages camping only playing. Played about 4 matches, I’m done.


I wasn’t sure if I actually wanted to try this, but being RB only made it an absolute no-go.


Legit no change in rewards class for previous April Fools events.
The rewards are a bonus cosmetic.
The primary focus is the event itself.

And yes, extraction shooter genre is bad. This one’s tolerable cause we’re not keeping the loot at the end regardless.

Spent a couple hours TRYING to play this event. It is AWFUL.

First, team battles: You see nothing but entire groups of enemies hard camping the exfil points (which are predetermined for your vehicle and NEVER change, also there is ONLY ONE). So good luck EVER getting out with the basic 3 vehicles.

The guns cannot hit anything past 200m, which sounds good until you realize that no range capability means exfil camping is now meta because there is no reason to fight at range, and with killing players only being a way to easy farm the loot drops… Yea, why wouldnt you sit right outside the gate, shred some poor guy and swipe his cargo then beeline into your own exfil instead of mobbing around the map at mach jesus tearing up loot spawns just to get shredded. Especially since Rage Tokens are a critical resource needed in vast quantities, you’d honestly be an idiot NOT to camp an exfil and make off with some other guy’s loot.

The damage models are horrendous. Half the time the shots completely miss and kill your gunner anyway, while your own shots are direct impacting the enemy gunner over and over and hes taking zero damage. The recoil is absurd, especially on the 23mm Boar. I get its supposed to be a post apocalyptic gun truck without recoil dampeners, but come on. The shells are a straight lie. AP-T shells exploding on impact while HEI-T are going through the engine block and taking out three men in a line.

This could be quite some fun, especially if the Crossout team had actually worked on it given how crazy good their aesthetics were in XO, but as it is its an extremely cheap and lazy copy of the “Collection” missions from Crossout’s Singleplayer mode, mixed in with WT’s awful coding and inconsistent damage structure.

What the event SHOULD do is have at least a dozen exfil points that are randomly generated for, say 4 at a time PER TEAM, and you can go to ANY of them. Then it changes every 5 or so minutes to keep campers from actually accomplishing anything. I hate to praise it, but Tarkov did this basic system specifically to keep exfil camping from being meta, and its at least kinda worked. The simple act of exfil camping has and will continue to kill off many B-list titles in the FFA/BG genres.

To sum up, this event feels very half baked and completely untested. Going fast and having sandstorms doesnt mean you’re mad max material, sorry to say. Want to have fun but cant.


This is how GRB feels/plays. IMO one of the easiest ways to make this a lot better is to change it to GAB. GRB just encourages camping, especially when everyone needs to get to a predetermined exfiltration zone.

So i put in some more time in FFA.

MUCH better experience. Exfils are much more spread out, but there is still a meta of camping them, ESPECIALLY with armored Echidnas, because fun fact the 25mm and 23mm AP-T has 7mm of pen at 500m, so it literally cant engage the upgraded Echidnas outside of about 100m, while the Echidna’s own 40mm AP can needle shot anything at extreme ranges. Its not uncommon to see armored Echidna players getting absolutely mobbed in the chat for a single kill, and yes they do feel THAT unfair as on top of their insane accuracy and pen, they also have the ability to shoot forward, unlike most vehicles.

The unlockables are ridiculously powerful. One of them gets a HEATFS launcher (basically the M50/Type 60) and it will one shot any vehicle from any range without directly hitting it because guess what? its a HEATFS against literal TRUCKS.

Another meta is that armored Echidnas are sniping across the map for the first half of the game. Most of them seem to be players, but its painfully apparent that the echidna is a bot account wet dream for this event. If im getting sniped in the sandstorm, im assuming they are a bot, because no player can make those shots over and over on a target moving at 80 km/h from 1-2km out.

I dont want to be overwhelmingly negative, and i do appreciate the custom outfits for crew, the return of Last Stand mode, and the unique voice lines. I also like the backfiring exhausts,

Buuut, most of the “unique” voice lines are straight from Crossout. And the ‘Witness me!’ on extract doesnt feel like homage, it feels like imitation, but im harsh like that.

Other ideas this event should have done:
Boars should be gunless and immune to fire, they are literally a cargo wagon that already cannot fight back unless the target is in their limited arc AND within 200m, and even then, echidnas are practically immune to you.

While i understand the unlockable vehicles cost Rage tokens (from the current battle only), this means there is a HUGE power creep due to these vehicles needing to be worth an entire Token. Definitely could have gone with SP costs or even an ‘Extract Token’ so you HAVE to use a reserve and extract before getting the good vehicles, but this still leaves them power creeping, especially that HEATFS launcher.

I also think areas around extracts should just be a zone that disabled weapons to prevent camping, and that killing players isnt so heavily rewarded. dropping only 30 or 50% loot on death would be a great start, and maybe Rage Tokens dont have to be extracted IF you fill up the Rage meter (5) to decrease the meta of hiding right next to your own extract in FFA.


Ok I mean this in as respectful a way as possible. I hate loot extraction games. I adore the Mad Max esthetic but the rules of the mode make it difficult to enjoy. To cap that all off it’s limited to RB.

In the past April fools events have had the option to participate in AB more often than not.

The rules of loot extraction games such as Tarkov or the Dark Zone in the Division encourage the most irritating tactics known to man. I understand this is just an opinion but I’d wager it’s a popular one.

I can appreciate that the devs pour a lot of time and effort into these events. I can ignore the inherent issues with the type of mode that it is and have fun with it. My biggest gripe is the RB factor.

Please for the sake of fun, add an AB option. I shouldn’t need to eat several bars of panzer chocolate to see people.

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