Oyez oyez!
21e BR (ex-EBF) is glad to invite you in an airshow.Thank to the success of the show “Legends” in 2023, we are launching a new one. Even if the forum modification slowed our activity we still offer to the french speaker the luck to take part in legendary battles: from Romania to Tkvarcheli, in Norway, or over Dover, in the snow, the storm or on the sea and more. Again, we are offering players to show their pilot skills in this special event: a virtual air show.
This year, the theme of the festival is “How they flew”. Without shooting, you will have to show the brutality of the “Great Circus” of Clostermann, the majesty of the slow heavy bomber or the agility of the biplans.
Before the airshow we propose you a race in 3 category: Jet, props with 1000-2000 hp, props under 1000 hp.
Rules : 
- Don’t shoot without clearance
- spawn on clearance
- spectators are using tanks, pilots are waiting with their planes on the ground.
- 10 min max per pilot/team
- you can fly with a plane or a heli
- secondary weaponery only on clearance
- you can be in different teams, but you have to wait 15 min beetwens 2 participation
- we have a music bot
- you can request more time if you are flying with more than 3 pilots
- we recommand you to use the Epic Thunder Sound Mod
Race Rules : 
- 3 category: jets, prop with engine over 1000 hp, prop with engine under 1000 hp
- the engine power is no cumulative (ex: a Hs-129 is under 1000hp)
- the exact path will be detailled on the discord
- 2 race, going from deck to 6000m altitude. One short, one longer.
- stay in the corridor
- race using a timer with delayed departure
- the winner of each category is the one with the best average timer on the 4 altitude.
Schedule : 18h20-21h UTC: >2h30 (french hour: 20h30-23h00 UTC + 2 : >2h30 show)
We are trying to make 3 parts with historical periods, each part will be separeted with a short break (5min) during which you will be allowed to respawn.
INSCRIPTIONS (hours are in UTC + 2 and may vary during the event)
You can sign up with a message on the forum, or on the discord.
20h20: opening of the custom battle
BEFORE THE SHOW: Missing man for the pilot of the Spitfire Mk 356, free participation with Spitfire Mk IX with 92e Squadron camo. Leaded by @coolQ
20h25-20h35: installation
20h35-21h20: WW2
- 20h35-20h45: The D-Day Squadron by HWF (english speaker) - CLOSED -
- 20h45-21h00: pbj, 2 x f7f and f4u4b and f4u4 by JDS (Empressiveboom, COOLQUEST_, AscendingRemake and X_Pilot_X, UrSuchaSpoon) (english speaker) - CLOSED-
- 21h00-21h10: @jeronimo (P-51-D5) (english speaker) - CLOSED -
- 21h10-21h200: Truck-Kun (french speaker) - CLOSED-
- 21h20-21h30: Jerry_Cashman Yak-1 Solo - CLOSED -
- 21h30-21h40: intermission: @Thai_Fighter solo display - CLOSED -
21h40-22h15: 1946-1972
- 21h40-21h50: @jerry_cashman, @stratospheric57, Nytya : Vietnam War - CLOSED -
- 21h50-22h05: SAF Patrouille Suisse - F5e ( 1. ZeSanglier et lil_mouloud222) - CLOSED -
- 22h05-22h15: KAT-PAF: 8 Alphajet E flying in formation - CLOSED -
- 22h15-22h20: intermission: @Thai_Fighter solo display ** - CLOSED - **
22h25-23h00: 1972-today
- 22h15-22h25: team Falcon 4 (Nero-RQ, Ifive) - CLOSED -
- 22h25-22h35: @player100: Su27/Mig29 - OPEN to french and english speaker -
- 22h35-22h45: @Trace_reportee0 (J7d) : Asian aviation (japanese or chinese plane) - OPEN to french speaker -
- 22h45-22h55: @MrBicyclette (Mirage 4000, french) - CLOSED -
- 22h55-23h00: Spetzrazor, Barnaoul , Peltozor and @akagi : UA/RU - OPEN to french speaker-
- 23h: the Groupe de chasse II/3 (ex-Gc I/5) by the Gc IV/5 team - CLOSED -
Race Schedule : 16h UTC : ~1h (french hour: 18h UTC + 2 : ~1h of race)
Inscription: @jerry_cashman , SparthanCarpa - Open -
Thematic you could choose: The spitfires, Top-Gun, Buck-Danny, Porco Rosso, Spa 303, the flying forteress, Me 262, Vietnam, Black Lagoon, Fulda, Mirages, the musician IL-2, the Red Tails…
Check the old furom for ideas of display or customization:
RENDEZ-VOUS ON JUNE 2nd ON THE DISCORD, 18H20 UTC: 21e Brigade de Reconstitution
Chat are open if you have question, the map is public for your training. Further information will be published on the discord.
Some video and screenshot from the last year and training ongoing:
(my replay were broke, so not perfect representation)
BTW, the event is based on a french discord but it will be soon adapted for english speaker !