Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

so Brimstone III?

EF Brimstone 1


Ahh yes, greetings, Mr Pantsir driver, sir.

Would you be interested in any of my Typhoons ground ordinance? A paveway? A glidebomb? A JDAM? Perhaps a guided missile?

I’m not expecting the typhoons to be CAS monsters until ARMs and F&F brimstones are modelled tbh

well it can carry even more brimstones


EF Brimstone 3


WEll probably not but it’d be better than the current option of LJDAM from an ASSTA 1 or just regular bombs from an ICE, for Germany

Realistically the Early typhoon will most likely feature GBU-24,48 and JDAMS with maybe the possibility to carry twin racks of GBU-12s but i have never seen evidence of that

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I am entirely following your knowledge on the Typhoon and its capabilities, as I have only the most basic understanding of it

If those are Brimstone 3s

The question si though. When the Typhoon FGR4 is added, we can assume it will get Brimstone 2s (Likely SAL-only), but will Germany get Brimstone 2s because they later purchased Brimstone 3s or will Germany not get them until such time Brimstone 3s are added the FGR4

I have a pretty good understanding of it and it’s systems, although I am open to additions and comments to add to the thread

I reckon that by the time the FGR4 is added then we will have Brimstone IIIs regardless (and hopefully brimstones on british apaches, even if that means grinding another one)

Dual mode brimstones here

Im doubting it to be honest. Using the F-15 as a timeline to go by.

F-15A added in December
F-15C added in June
F-15E added in October


Typhoon T1B2 (F2) Added in December
Notable upgrade for the Typhoon in June (Im thinking maybe ECM?)
A2G upgrade (i.e Typhoon FGR4) in October (So probably Brimstone 2 SAL only still unless mmV is sorted by then)

Unless Brimstone 2s are added to the GR4 by then, only other aircraft that can carry them is the Typhoon. (harrier Gr9A is mmV Brimstone 1s)

That being said, if Germany gets an A2G Typhoon in Decemeber, then Id guess Britaiin would get a CAS equipped Typhoon no later than March or June. Would be really unfair otherwise.

Yes… So 1, 2 or 3 though?

All 3 are dual mode

From what I can find, Germany is buying Brimstone 3s. RAF Typhoon FGR4s could be equipped with Brimstone 2s. Not sure what the difference is between them. But I am assuming that Germany tested only the Brimstone 3s that they are buying.

Why does it have both SNIPER and LITENING III? Does it need one or the other for specific ordinance?

Can I carry both at the same time for ultimate A2G lense action?

well personaly i am expecting block 5 to come this update but the one i want without out “forcing” a weaker version is the block 15 as it adds lots of fun automations to the killing of ground targets

The Spanish and UAE ones carry SNIPER I think

Ahh so they just put it there like: Yeah so we CAN carry all of this not like we all do.

Pretty much