Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I suppose im glad to hear im not an idiot. I hope it gets fixed soon.

They were fixed since the first dev Server
It’s not perfect as the metal material extends too far forward onto those “petal” like panels, which should remain matte grey
But it’s certainly nicer than how it was all matte grey before

Happens to me too. Happened to me with radar elevation too, but that was due to having the same controls for controlling saclos air to ground missiles (I had to disable that keybind).

They keep “fixing” it for a year now, but it pops back up on some other vehicle every time.

I just saw this display of engines on this custom skin and decided to go and see how it was done on the base skin. And it turned out that the engines there are also now unpainted. And I couldn’t remember when the gaijins removed the paint from them.

Did they increase 12g limiter to 13g now?

current state of the radar: horrendous
but it shows the aircraft type now (like MiG-15)
max supercruise is 1.38 with no weapons, 1.3 with 2+4
max speed with 2+4 is 2.2
max sc at sealevel with 2+4 is 1.05

still only 13g max but mostly 12.5


rafale comparison:
max supercruise no weapons 1.36, max speed rip speed limited 2.03 or so
max g around 14.5
max clean supercruise at sealevel ~1.1, 4 EM ~1.07
max sc at 12km with 4 EM 1.3 would maybe be higher with 2+2

oh by the way, it pulls 10G while blacked out…

why these loadouts? well its the loadout with the least amount of extra pylons so what i would consider the “base” loadout


Which version are you flying? The German one got updated with radar tracking changes, but not any of the others.

the german one

Literally just jumped in a match on dev and the radar thought a missile was a su30 (it said so on nctr) and didn’t update for about 10 seconds. And the original track on the su30 was lost for a time until they separated enough.

How is the acceleration?

It’s really annoying only the German one gets updated on the dev server, meaning everyone else just has to sit and wait for live

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Acceleration is only nerfed trying to go above M 1.7, still fast as hell, you still reach M 1.6 climbing to 5k, and i feel that hasn’t changed

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Screenshot 2025-03-12 151855

What’s the circle infront? Intercept course?

How is the new MAWS?

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standstill to mach 1 on the deck 2+4 ~33 seconds
standstill to mach 1 13km 2+4 ~1min 30 sec

the G onset is really lacking though imo

How does it handle more modern IR missile the Magic 2s and R-73s?

Yeah lmao, the uk and italy one just now got updated with the last changes.
Also the radar changes this patch change almost nothing from what i played.

I hate when the snail does this lmao, drives me insane when only one nations vehicle gets the new features to test to try and bug report…