As long as they’re not too close they flare them, even at 3km r73 was detected and flared instantly, couldn’t test magic 2, also btw i have to put it out there that in a merge i don’t think the maw will be able to tell that a hobs r73 is coming at you, because often times it will need to course correct and not always come straight at you.
imo they should just unlock every vehicle they’re working on to everyone
like whats the benefit of making people grind for it? its gonna get deleted anyways plus they add some multiplier to it so why not just unlock it
Its perticularly annoying as it seems a good chunk of the sources are from Gunjob and Flame
Eh, i mean it could be something to do with programming work load? Idk i have no experience with Dagor engine.
Missile lead indicator. Fire missile there in order to use the most out of it.
Think of it like a EEGS.
Ah, very nice. Shame it seems to be an RB only feature and there is no relevant HUD symbology to make use of it in SB, but alas, a nice new feature
They added precise NCTR to EF as well but no sim hud symbols yet.
I might not know what i’m talking about but can’t there be a “RCSgate” value to stop a radar from confusing a missile track with a plane track based on rcs?
These 3 values changed on dev:
posGateRange 0 1200.0
dopplerSpeedGateRange2 0 400.0
dopplerSpeedGateMaxTime 4.0
Which i think are supposed to make it so the radar can’t lose track as easily.
But target confusion still exists, man all these problems just because the radar scan rate is low…
Blue Vixen has the same scan rate and I don’t see many complains about that radar having these ghosting issues.
I still wonder if the issue is to do with the CAPTOR-M’s TWS having all 3 modes (iirc) and the radar not swapping correctly between them.
My main issue is that the radar doesnt always pick up the target on the first few scans (if at all) and wonder if its taking its time automatically switching between modes to find the target?
Too many times i’ve pointed my radar straight at something and nothing, could not see it. God knows how many times i’ve pointed my radar at something and not even known anything was even there because I didnt have visual
Of course that is based upon my understand of how radars work within WT, and I will be honest, im not that confident. But that is what it feels like.
Its one thing the radar has a relatively low scan rate, but its another when first or second scans dont pick up the target at all. I dont ever really recall having that issue with the FA2/Gripen (gunna play the FA2 a lot more in the coming weeks so we’ll see)
The radar being kinda poor at tracking things should be fixed with Priority track if/when that is added
Unless this is mass dementia on our part, but blue vixen also got these (.41) changes so Gajin maybe thinks there’s issues.
Gripen also has same scan rate, and that was played a lot more than the FA.2. So surely we’d remember?
Captor M is the best mechanical radar in the world but the worst radar in the game
Allows for compairing before and after change tho
That’s nice
Perhaps, but only if you have both.
Btw, can anyone do me a favour and check if the cockpit MFD has NCTR info and a missile lead cue? Apparently thats another thing that was added to the Rafale, but it also allegedly has no NCTR in cockpit atm?