Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Probably down to muscle memory. Relearning to fly with the stick in an entirely different place is probably the same as learning to drive a right-hand drive manual and then having to drive a left-hand drive manual. Yes you can do it, but the muscle memory is entirely off.

Typhoon had to satisfy 4 nations requirements.

If the pilots are used to the stick in the centre it made sense to continue that?

I mean, if you already train on a new plane (e.g. if you come from a Tornado and switch to the EF) I would assume that you already have to relearn all controls, buttons, etc. The position of the sidestick should be the least of the hassles you go through. If you come from an EF and go to a newer EF then yes, it would be much more of a problem I guess…

But even going from aircraft to aircraft. If you’ve had 10 years of experience with a centre stick, relearning with a side stick is still going to take a lot of retraining.

Serious talk now I don’t have the Typhoon on the dev server (never really play the dev)

From what I am seeing the Typhoon has been changed and nerfed pretty heavily.

While still retaining a very poor Radar.
No additional missiles yet every competitor carries more…
No fixes to ground attack munitions (Brimstone 2)
No Ground Radar mode or Pirate detecting ground vehicles.
No UV filter for the cockpit.

What we did get.

A MAWS system that can detect missile but cant highlight them or tell you what type of missile has been launched at you. (How good would it have been to get the missile diamond round the missile your MAWS has detected with a counter for time to impact?)

In testing will likely will never save your life (excluding 80s Soviet IR missiles) Lets see it defeat a Magic 2 or R-77 for me…

A Radar interrogation mode that all new jets have.
MFD stuff?

Likely going to retire the Typhoon (only reason I was playing top tier it certainly wasn’t for the CR2s!)


Hey can someone help me to find the sources where the devs justify the g-limit, AoA, thrust to weight and all the nerfs that have been done to the EF lately?
Thank You.

More for the air force I guess

Fair, i forgot the EFT was given atrocious high speed acceleration for checks notes reasons

Yeah i heard about this and also people saying that it was a bad source tho i’m not german so i can’t judge.

But the f35 make as much sense for germany than it does for switzerland now honestly.

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Hmm. Did I miss something? Has the engine texture been fixed for a long time?



Well not really for EW we got more Eurofighters
15 were already ordered

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Has Typhoon replaced the Tornado ECR in EW role now?

Hasn’t yet, but is supposed to. Germany is developing a new variant called Eurofighter EK for the role


Not yet but a new Eurofighter Variant called the Eurofighter EK will, with a planned introduction date of 2030. It’s gonna use the Saab Arexis system among other things

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Its also supposed to use the American AARGM (also known as Harm) as its main missile, but honestly with the current political situation there might be a revival of european anti radiation missile development
there might even be a doctrin change for the RAF with a reneval on Anti Radiation tactics

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ARMIGER is right there but oh well

also reminder that Germany and Italy are the only european nato countries with dedicated SEAD aircraft

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Does anyone elses IRST do this? Whenever i adjust position up or down, the IRST display bugs out and i am unable to control its up down movements. Even moving down flings it up. But my radar control is fine.

Left to right movement is okay.

Yep, it has been like that since release

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