Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

It can be and i wouldnt be surprised.

Another customized nonsense from Gaijin. All aircraft must have SEP drawdown in the transonic zone.

AESA is part of T4. AMK i do not know. I vaguely remember there also being discussions about the TVC being added for T5, but i have absolutely zero sources for that

MICA NG is expected to enter service in 2026 iirc.

That being said, fixing the MICA alongside all other nations fox 3’s and probs adding the 120C-5 would still leave the Rafale with quite a strong missile, but it should always be shorter ranged than what its competition has

Due to global events, adoption of certain equipments/technologies were rushed/accelerated and the MICA NG is expected to be delivered later this year rather than the original 2026 goal.



the tranche says little about the tech in it.
they build a tranche with whatever standard is available. if t5 is built when P4E is there then it’ll be p4e

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I had that, missle disappears shortly after launch, no sound, no visible missle, can’t track it, still got a kill

That’s not how it works. The 1.05 multiplier only applies to rip speed. Not level flight speed.


RAF are moving forward with F-35 and Tempest.
Unlike France who depend on the Rafale as they have no 5th Gen aircraft.

Genuinely think the Typhoon will never reach it’s true potential with many of the planned/proposed upgrades being used on the Tempest.

Plans for the new Typhoon cockpit like Gripen E moving to this configuration.

With tempest planned for 2035 i think it was, it wouldn’t make much sense for UK/Italy to fund more of eurofighter program, so it would leave only Germany with such a need as SCAF will take more time but is not just for the plane but the whole system around and there is no way they will fund more updates, so most likely tranche 5 will be the last.

Tranche 4 is the next large evolution with AESA Captor E

After that who knows, Germany were going to purchase F-35 not sure if old Donald has scuppered that.

Well for germany the main point of f35 was dropping nukes with a modern plane, not stealth or whatever.

Yes that too Tornado is still certified and if they just wanted an EW platform that could drop a nuke…Well they could just buy EA-18Gs

F18 are no longer produced, even swiss were denied super hornet when they wanted to.

The max speed of ASRAAM is likely quite significantly above Mach 3. I did some napkin maths once and came up with peak speeds well in excess of Mach 4. Based on the design requirements and the claimed thermal heading experienced by the missile.


They were offered Growlers once upon a time, per unit cost the F-35 probably works out at a similar cost.

The Nuclear deterrent is a NATO stipulation if the US leaves NATO this wont be necessary for Germany

Would be interesting to know where the limit is speedwise. At those Mach numbers (>4) the heat generated around the seeker section would be immense. This reduces the clarity of the image because of thermal noise (generated by the heated seeker head/lense itself) and it would reduce the cooling effectivity of the sensor array itself. I don’t exactly know how it’s cooled but AFAIK the first generation got preecooled by the plane, while Block 6 has an internal stirling/ pulse tube cryocooler/stirling cooler. Could be totally wrong though :D

Its going to be like the Stormer Starstreak
We will get barely Mach 3.0 modelled based on MBDA promotional materials :(

I don’t really get why so many fighter planes with fly-by-wire controls still have their sidestick in the middle between the legs instead on the right console (like the F-16). Would assume it would be much more ergonomical for the pilot espacially when sustaining G-Forces.