Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

The control surfaces on the a are too big to allow it to carry any more than 4.

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Well, yes, but all these stated values ​​are LESS than the real ones. This is stated directly in these statements. I would expect a range similar to the Derby. Because Python 4 should be close in engine power to ASRAAM, and Derby is a development based on Python 4.


Well, I was wrong. It doesn’t look like a buff at all. They added resistance, took away almost half a ton of thrust at base speeds, but gave half a ton of thrust at speeds that are almost impossible to reach…
P.S. To hell with it. Now I’m completely confused by this data.


From Datamine;

  • Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
    • horizontal stabilizer zero-lift drag coefficient Mach curve linear coefficient changed from -0.5 to -0.1, curve will now decline much less past M0.97, leading to increased parasitic drag from the canard after that speed (comparison)
    • vertical stabilizer zero-lift drag coefficient Mach curve linear coefficient changed from -0.4 to -0.1, curve will now decline much less past M1.2, leading to increased parasitic drag from the vertical stabilizer after that speed (comparison)
    • engine thrust adjustment at ~11000 m (comparison):
      • changed altitude point to be interpolated at 11000 m instead of 12000 m
      • decreased thrust by ~400 kgf from 1000 km/h to 1920 km/h
      • increased thrust by >500 kgf past 1920 km/h

There is MICA NG EM which could be added along with F.4. Even if not, giving the MICA its historical range performance would already be a big leap in theory and possibly sufficient for the time being.

Probably solid. But there is still mid-course guidance/datalink that makes it less of an issue

Site Up.

According to this site and other ones F-22 can carry 6 Amraam+ 2 Aim-9.

So Yeah, it can carry 6 Aim-120 without any issue.

Those are AIM-120C, clipped wings


Do we know what sources they used to reduce Thrust at slower speeds?

Everyone even Raptor guys who have flown the Typhoon have said the climb rate and acceleration are incredible.


I am not involved in EF bug reporting, you are better off asking Flame and Gunjob.

It doesnt specify Aim-120 models which means it can carry any model with 6+2 configuration, unless you got exact source that shows it can only carry 6 120C’s+ 2 Aim-9.

Bro it’s almost like they clipped the AIM120C wings for a reason.
Here from Wikipedia, at least do bottom of the barrel research: “The AIM-120C has smaller “clipped” aerosurfaces to enable increased internal carriage on the USAF F-22 Raptor from four to six AMRAAMs”


Wikipedia is not a reliable source dude.

Anyway lets not derail this thread any longer.

We can always discuss Raptor’s abilities on its thread.

For WT bug reports, or if not enlighten me why they clipped the wings on the aim120c and beyond.

Reduce the drag? Have you ever considered that?

Yeah, you’re right, but that still doesn’t mean it can carry 6 AIM120 A/B, the wings got clipped mainly to reduce “box size”, and in many publications it’s stated it was done specifically for the f22 to be able to carry more.
Also if you look for loadout charts you’ll see that some actually mention that the 6 AIM120 C are “compressed”, while others show a maximum of 4 AIM120 A/B

Is there any talk about the tranche 5 of the eurofighter or no furthers updates are planned ? And for which year first tranche 4 eurofighter are supposed to be received ?
Because i cannot fight anything about those two, i know it’s still not clear about what improvements tranche 4 will get but still i thought they were close from it.

The Bundeswehr expects their first Tranche 4 aircraft this year.



I think i remember something about a Tranche 5 being planned, but I don’t know any specifics and would have to check for sources. Could’ve just been a proposal that never got anywhere

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Also, regarding Tranche 5. I’ve found the Bundeswehr articel about it again.


Luftwaffe erhält vierte Generation des Eurofighters


To sum up the basic bullet points:

  • New computer architecture

  • New cockpit

  • New weapons

  • New flight control software

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Where AMK kit?
where new Radar? (AESA)


Neue Eurofighter für die Luftwaffe - Forderung nach "Tranche 5"

Also Tranche 4 gets from 2025 AESA
Entwicklung des neuen Eurofighter-Radars auf neuer Basis

Eurofighter-Radar wird mit A320 ATRA getestet

Aren’t those both for tranche 4 ? Otherwise it might lack his own drone even in tranche 5.