i dont understand why its limited to 12g now though…
You all realize that aoa override only kicks in under 700 kph so as to not rip the plane apart and at those speeds you can’t really get insane G.
I think they may have tweaked the autopilot to not rip at M 1+ from turning.
I can’t get over 14, idk why
From what I’ve seen it barely impacts performance haha maybe alittle more slippy and stally. But I’m at the office so can’t test myself.
it can pull a lot of aoa
anyways i just wanna mention how horrendous game performance is atm
are you doing a barrel roll here or is it just a pitch maneuver
Blue Vixen does this too.
just pitch up
Hmm, idk maybe datamines will show changes?
havent found anything yet
Curious about TWS and AMRAAM.
This is the Blue Vixen radar obviously but should it not be vaguely similar to captor.
Not 1 TWS launched AMRAAM scored a kill yet whenever I launch AMRAAM like a SARH missile they hit 100% of the time.
All AMRAAMS where fired with a double red circle as well.
That’s in part because the test drive mig are going in circles so notching sometimes and are slow, which means the weak seeker of the ammram gets notched but when guided by your radar hit.
Which btw also works for stationary targets, aka helis. You can kill helis with ammrams with stt, provided they’re not low enough for multipath.
I fired one at 14 KM out when he was facing me.
Yeah and even in your video by the time the ammram reached the mig 13 was cold already
Mate even your head on TWS shot, the target entered a notch before impact.
He has the TWS on the whole time though the missile should be guided by DL
That missile has completly ignored the Radar.
It should have attempted an intercept.
I think unless you do stt the missile will only use its own seeker and won’t recieve target track from radar once it acquires the target.
STT makes zero difference once the missile goes pit bull, the only advantage of STT over TWS is STT provides faster updates to the missile while operating over DL. And that only because the radar isn’t sweeping for other targets so you don’t have the time between the sweep for the target to have any drift.