Yes it just combines the known data from various sensors on the display so as not to confuse the pilot. The sensors do not use each other or speak to each other with a few exceptions such as radar slaving to the IR sensor or looking in the direction of found emissions.
Rafale has more than one set of onboard systems to find and determine which aircraft around it are friendly or enemy including for non cooperative targets.
If you think the A-10C should lose datalink that is fine but the Rafale would still have the capability because it has those systems and doesn’t rely solely on datalink like A-10C.
in term of hypocrite noone can beat gaijin and that why it this happen
sure 14.0 supposed to have HMD due to test or something but same rule isn’t applied to German
have it would be nice but well it really not that useful in game anyway. (unless it can TWS and shoot fox3 then)
Yeah but like I said, gaijin doesnt actually care about facts, they have an idea of how they want the world to be and they use WT to pretend that vision is reality.
Thats why they just shot down multiple bug reports on western radars HPRF range being too large because “russian sources cant be used to bug report western equipment” but they had used russian sources to nerf them all in the first place.
Hes pointing out that Rafale having the best HMD ingame despite not having one in this standard in french service irl, but the EFT not getting Striker II (its best irl HMD) is a double standard.
That being said, like I already stated, the EFT doesnt need Striker II to display friendly targets. It can already do so with the radar ingame, and we already know the EFT amalgamates all sensor data and displays tracks of those amalgamations, so it should have HMD IFF with the radar off just like the Rafale, but doesnt.
also doesnt need some fancy pants sensors that “only the rafale has” or whatever, its just datalink tracks.
like on the 15, 16, 18, Gripen, you name it.
F-16 and F-18 also have similar systems to Rafale which uses a set of electronically scanned arrays to perform both standard interrogation and non-cooperative interrogation of nearby aircraft and targets. Combined with IR sensors it can be used on the Rafale to indicate if aircraft surrounding the Rafale are friendly (within 100nm if conditions are good and aircraft is emitting a response).
Then feel free to report it because the standard for Gaijin is whether or not the aircraft had tested the HMD, and it was a standard established long before EFT/Rafale came into the game, with the Gripen and M2K.
Pointless to report anyways imo. As ive already stated, our current ingame Striker I has the capabilities to display threats and allies. The issue isnt the HMD, the issue is gaijins understanding of how the HMD gets its data.
Be it datalink, IFF, MAWS, RWR, etc… (thats what “ESM” stands for in the picture I posted above) the Typhoon amalgamates all its passive and active sensor data and for its tracks and situational awareness, so even if you want to argue the Rafale “isnt using a TDL for its HMD ingame (it is, but we’ve beat that horse to death and back)” the EFT should be able to passively display IFF using other ESM’s as well, which it cant in-game, as the feature has only been given to the Rafale out of all the combat jets for god knows what reason.
Don’t see why not, all tracks from all sensors are sent through the sensor fusion to form “system tracks”. MIDS and IFF are included in that. Non of the tracks EFT is getting should be seen as “radar tracks” etc, they’re all “system tracks” they can be from any or multiple sensors.
As can be seen in the attack bus, DASS/Attack/Ident equipment all feed into the attack bus.
DASS includes, ESM/ECM/LWR(in the UK EFT)
Attack/Ident is your radar, IRST, MIDS and IFF.
Okay but here’s my thing. There’s some things that the EFT has in-game that the Rafale doesn’t have, and I went out of my way to report those. I didn’t claim that Gaijin is being biased or whatever, if you don’t bug report it despite having sources then I think you should forfeit the right to continuously complain about it.
You already have my agreement on that front, but its gaijin you have to convince, and somethings telling me they’ll shoot down your bug report if you try, since I dont see “The power of friendship and rainbows” anywhere on that graph, which is CLEARLY where the Rafale/RMV/A-10C get their HMD IFF info
Such as? Since last I checked, the Rafale is the single most feature rich plane in-game, with the Typhoon actually being the one missing features the Rafale already has, some of which are BIG missing features (like P-track) that have already been bug reported and denied.
One thing I haven’t quite made sense of, to some extent it looks like LWS should provide some kind of track as well as a SPECTRA document stated, but in order to provide track, some kind of ranging is required, and I have not heard of LWR being able to determine ranging itself despite being ranged by a laser.
The communication of those sensors to each other before being sent to a box that combines the information into a less cluttered and sensible display to the pilot would be better. iirc it is one of the many things they want to upgrade on the Typhoon going forward… including the addition of a passive MAWS and replacing the outdated DASS.
I don’t know what their plans are yet for Sensor Fusion and what they plan to add. I understand Scorpion has IFF displayed in the HMD, but if that was fully intentional or not I don’t know but the word so far has been “we dont have tactical DL presently”.
I’ll see if I can chat with a dev at some point to get some clarity.