Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

do you have any evidence for it, I can add it to my VWS report

Ok in test flight that’s quite naughty, having a hard lock that you can transfer to PD mode at any time for a 120 shot is pretty good.

Salivating at how good ASRAAM will be

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IR to PD transmission works bad sometimes, idk why

Oh, I forgot about that thing. Thanks for the reason to buy a new toy. As a grown man - I needed it.

Btw, the problem with ghosts is still there in it’s full degeneracy. I played quite a few matches in the last 3 days and well… It’s still locking stuff that doesn’t exist in places where it’s impossible for anyone or anything to be at. GRB experience. I’m basically forced to use a worse version of IRST all the time (my eyes). + HMD lock is too hungry for the biggest RCS. Was trying to lock F-16 in a dogfight with teammate’s su-34 and it kept jumping on him all the time…


Its very nice yeah? haha.

Nah, I would consider it quite slow. Could have been FASTER

Bro I’m actually gonna crash out; I have access to information that could answer a lot of these questions. Clear, considerate data, with graphs and evidence. The problem is that gaijin won’t accept nato restricted documents. They refuse to make changes to aircraft without data, and won’t accept publicly available information, but also won’t accept 18 year old data due to nato restrictions. So I would love to know, gaijin; what do you want us to get you?

Bro, I can’t even give them the opening cycle for the intake cowl without committing a crime, what does gaijin want us to give them?

Something that is not marketing lies

can we get the UV tint already


If its either Typhoon manual its not happening, the Italian MOD confirmed there were available illegally. “publicly available” is a nonsense statement when it comes to documents that no one should have in their possession.

This subject has been covered extensively, community managers and mods have made the position clear.

There is no debate here. End of.


I am a convert, used in ground and picked up 3 targets (sadly there is no IFF for it) But being able to hard lock a target that has no idea is pretty strong.


Yesssssssssssssss, I’m glad I turned you around on it.


Yes, I love the irst, it’s so good in sim.its scan rate is absolutely rapid plus no warning. Plus it slaves tgp so you can id target

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Next question I have is there a way to control the zoom of a TPOD I think my key binds only allow full zoom or nothing?

Does PIRATE have the ability IRL to use the mode with ground based Radar to detect ground targets?

oof i’ll have to look but theres videos of it


If you mean can it detect ground targets, then yes


You need to remove the thrust control key bind on your mouswheel to use the zoom option on the mouse wheel. This way you can precisely control the Tpod zoom

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Thanks everyone, my controls have been due an overhaul for a long time now!

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