Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I’m just scrolling through here and looking at acronyms I’ve no understanding of.

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I assume you mean when the radar loses track and it switches to IRST, as currently when you turn the radar off the irst also is turned off.

Currently the game just doesn’t have enough detail in how these systems are modeled to accurately represent them IRL.

That’s both having multiple sensors acting independently while also working together to produce a single track file for each target that the offensive computer can use to engage.

Since getting the eurofighter there have been situations where I have just been able to simply out manuver the amraam with a high-G Roll+Turn like you would against an AIM-7 or AIM-54 much to the surprise of the enemy engaging me.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. We and the snail have a problem that can’t be solved with bug reports and minor fixes. The only way to do this is to create a new system. I’ll call it “multiradar” for now.

Its whole point will be… and here we are again… sensor fusion. In my head, Typhoon has 3 scanning/collecting information instruments right now. Radar, IRST and RWR. They are all capable of indicating the direction to the target, elevation/inclination to the target and the approximate distance to it. All 3 sensors must collect data and dump it into a “box” from which the “multiradar” system will collect data, analyze it, filter out duplication and display it on a universal display.

I see several problems/difficulties here:
Firstly, the code for the new system needs to be written. Despite the fact that the snail gave us the Typhoon, I still believe in its bias and secondary attitude towards the minor US/USSR pair (it is enough to look at the state of the Typhoon and Gripen systems (although it did an excellent job on the Gripen MFD)) and a system of this level would give a very serious advantage over the aircraft of these two branches.
Secondly, the snail may consider that not only will this advantage be, but it will also be imbalanced.
Thirdly, I do not believe that we will be able to prove to the snail from open sources that everything works like this, and that it works at all.
Fourthly - how to distinguish an enemy from an ally according to RWR or IRST data? On the other hand, the Typhoon MFD has 3 types of icons, green for allies, red for the enemy and yellow, the affiliation of which is not determined … So you can simply display unidentified contacts on the display “as is” and let the player decide whether to attack the target or try to figure out its allegiances.

The military LOVE acronyms - in fact I have it on good authority that significant quantities of funding is dedicated to making them up - then what is left over is used to buy stuff that goes bang, etc.

I could offer examples FYI of industry SOP, but that would IIRC be in contravention of the OFA and possibly DORA if it ever makes a return. We definitely wouldn’t want any PAs working out a future ORBAT in a LCZ; not to mention how we intend to employ RoEs and EoF in the FEBA (massively the case in FIBUA scenarios where CAS and FACs might not be available to provide prompt ToT in the AOR to our MI, MBTs and WOMBATs). INT obviously being a problem in the modern MDBS. Like durr.

All clear on that? Good!


the voice alerts
Eurofighters call out ‘transonic’ when they go, well, transonic


Had brimmstones been nerfed recently?

I’m going to KILL you. That’s an acronym.


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Don’t think so

I think I figured it out, they’re pointing downwards slightly, that probably was the reason why they were missing so bad. But I thought they can pull more…

Fair enough.

Devs are back now are we getting a Radar fix? Just died to a MiG 29 because my Radar is locking nothing but air and my IR missiles are trying to find the heat signature of nothing because the Radar is telling them there is something there when there isn’t.

Beyond frustrating

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I mean you were tracking him just fine here;

Then as he exits his notch and turns into you’re still tracking;

Your radar switched to the R-77;

My advice would’ve actually been to switch to PIRATE for the whole engagement, you’ve only got sidewinders onboard, why make your aircraft noisy with emissions when you could’ve just snuck up on him with PIRATE.

But overall the issue here was the target switching to a missile which is a problem on all radars.


This issue seems very prevalent on Typhoon locking things, that the Radar shouldn’t.
They have added code to all Radars to allow ground based radars to lock missiles and bombs (Stormer never used to be able to do that, now it can since the last 2 updates) and the side effect is this mess.

I should have used PIRATE

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Shouldn’t radars have speed gating to prevent this?

I can’t say I have experienced this very often on other aircraft, even ones with weaker radars since they updated this feature back when the MIG-23MLD was top dog.

Typically I’d expect the speed and RCS of the missile to be associated with a new track, it shouldn’t really be transferring the track that easily. But all radars do it right now so its clearly a wider problem with how TWS manages its tracks.


I don’t know if you’ve tried it since the buff but its very good now, got a key on my Stream Deck+ to switch between radar and IRST and I’ve found detection for close in engagements like that to be nothing short of fantastic. I switch to PIRATE, almost instantly go to STT, once in STT hit your Switch Radar/IRST key again and you will be in MPRF STT. Its so quick the only slow part is pressing the buttons.


I haven’t touched it since the jet went live it was always very buggy, will spend some time using it

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It scans like its on meth now. Its so rapid.


Are you talking about the radar or IRST?