You can absolutely catch an su27. you’re just making up nonsense now.
when did i say you can’t? you just don’t dog fight with it
if you stay high what he going to do? shoot skyflash at you? (gonna miss anyway if he bothers carrying one)
and in environment of 16VS16
even more chance than what i said above (I done it with MiG-29G before that even less amount of missile than SU-27 two time less)
Yes, and he will kill you. Especially since the su27 has no real recourse aside from notch. He’ll just lock you into notching until he’s close enough for a 9m shot.
SARHs will be useless because of MP and you can’t use IRs because you can’t get on it’s ass for obvious reasons.
Yes hide up in the space while doing nothing.
He’s down low and can farm ground units to drain tickets. You’re forced to come to him, not vice versa.
I don’t know as my experience with sky flash if the one with best BVR missile die to a skyflash they should consider as skills issue due to how sht sky flash really are you can ask @Morvran he had experince with sky flash more than me he knows full well about it
He doesn’t have to kill you with the skyflash. He just has to force you defensive. Thats if you can even pick up the opponent on radar for a bvr shot to work on that poor radar. On top of that, the only way you’re killing anyone with an r27 is if they were above 100m. They could just stay low and you can’t touch the gripen either. Meanwhile the gripen can simply fly to directly below you, and fire off said skyflashes.
hah more excuse i already tell you how i did when i was in MiG-29G but seem you want me to tell you how to beat Gripen in dog fight in the thing you can’t dog fight well i guess RU main always want to easily beat everyone in every way without using much afford when they can’t do it, they suffer greatly
first blame F-16
then blame Gripen
and blame F-15
now blame EFT and Rafale
well all i can tell is use skills if you can’t it skill issue
Valid points aren’t excuses.
Their selling point was literally negated by the game and were forced to play opponent’s game.
Great aircraft that had game mechanics behind them which made them incredibly hard to kill while operating a brick.
EFT has better BVR than 27SM and is also much better at closer ranges.
It’s funny how fast it went from “Su-27 with 27ER was oppressive” to “well, you can make something done, at least in some cases”.
As usual with RU equipment though.
Skyflash is just an aim 7E-2 DF, it has an effective range of about 6km anyfurther and its really easy to spin and make it bleed energy, remember its a missile found at 11.0 its a skill issue to die to one at 13.0
It like people go dog fight with Zero in P-47 then lose and say they are suffering what i should say apart from skills issue?
If one not willing to used what they had to beat their opponents but want to use it weakness to beat it opponents in their game then enjoy the results
The problem was that their “game” or strong side was made irrelevant by the MP.
Yeah MP completely killed the IR slingers at 13.0 when i went back to play the Su-27, F15A, and Gripen A (i rated them in order.of performance btw) i found the Gripen to be the most aggravating experience. You need capable BVR at this BR but the flight performance of the gripen is negated by most EFT’s as they can gain energy faster and turn more than the Gripen A. I can usually kill most EFT’s in the Gripen A because most EFT pilots are base bombing noobs who have avoided learning how to dogfight. Any somewhat competent EFT pilot has no problem killing the best dogfighting Gripen.
Between the three kings of 13.0 the Gripen definitely got powercrept into oblivion. I will always take Aim-7F or R27ER over some worthless skyflash. I still do pretty well in an uptier with the Su-27 because baiting players with ET and ER is so easy its pretty funny. Especially noobs that let me get nose on with a R-73.
We were discussing times when MP was set at 100m and Su-27/Gripen were the top tier.
No wonder that half of this thread thinks EFT is shit at dogfighting because “muh 9M bad, Mica/Magic better”.
I know, just was adding that the roles swapped after MP was changed.
It’s really funny, because I do remember, I had tons of fun in both Mig-29 and Mig-29G. But I’ve never seen people having fun with Tornado and I was probably the only person that was having fun in ICE.
Guys i think this source says the MAW of the Eurofighter (AMIDS) has IFF and NCTI auxiliary functions which means we could get universal IFF like Rafale and A10C.
This is auto translated from an Italian magazine: - Typhoon Technical Area
How can the Captor-M, one of the best mechanically scanned radars in the world, be one of the worst radars in top tier warthunder.
Because gaijin stripped it of all it’s marketing lies.
Imagine got new major update next month and still no update for Captor M.
Captor M turn into Captor Meme.
They’re gonna bump its track rate up from 65 → 70 deg/s and then tell us all to shut up and never touch it again.