Same here. Since Christmas day was 2 days ago by Orthodox calendar I would assume most of the devs are still on vacation, hence the delay.
make sense.
It is, not every version is getting shown because its a Background update… just like on console, if I would trust the number written we are still on .26…
But the Hangar was just changed in .41 so, you are atleast you are .41…
Also, the new Decal which is aviable in game? It came with .42… so you are welcome to .42
Oh yep seems like you are correct. I just tried the HMD in test flight and it has definitely improved, locks instantly at 18km with no issue. Also Live Version Watcher bot is saying game client is at
EDIT: Tried a few games of AIR RB as well. TWS is tracking much better now as well, BVR is very viable now. I don’t mean to jump to conclusions but the changes feel really good.
Meaning: Catcher M has now been repaired to some extent?
Yes. After some more games in Air RB I can confirm that overall radar performance has significantly improved. Targets are appearing faster in all modes in situations that they didn’t use to before, locks are easier to get, way less bad locks, tracking is better etc.
How does TWS perform when using a larger range, or can only use a minimum range?
Works well enough on default range/width to confidently fly up high now, which I didn’t use to do due to the inconsistency before the patch. Since I have no other top tier jets unlocked can’t really compare it to anything else unfortunately.
just going off a quick test flight - it feels much better - the track boxes arent floating off into space anymore
Must be placebo, since we are still on, meaning the radar changes werent implemented yet
They absolutely are implemented. The scan zones changed, and the range at which you can track are much larger now.
Nah, the changes have been made.
HMS locks are very snappy and remain in circumstances where they would drop prior.
TWS is much more accurate and reliable.
Ever since the introduction of radar players have had placebo “buffs” and mentioned such things in the forum.
Much like the radar we’re just getting false returns ;)
There is WIP client option for Gaijin launcher and I think release_candidate for Steam users. We get updates sooner because of that.
False alarm, it’s not fixed. HMD markers show up fine but they’re still fucked in the HUD.
Personally I’m waiting for a changelog to come out since my client has updated for the decal but the radar is the exact same as before
Tried out the EFT in sim today with VR. Seems they fixed the HMD (target indicators appear in the correct locations in the HMD) but the HUD itself is still broken (target boxes move with the head like they did with the HMD before…)
Radar seems reliable at tracking, still struggling with using it to find targets in a timely manner though. The 60x8 deg mode is the one with the most vertical scan area (narrow scan is an abysmal 20x4), but due to the slow (ish) scan rate and repeating bars, it takes its sweat time to complete a scan.
Cockpit MFD’s for radar and DASS also might need some work, they seem to be missing some rather key features (tho these could be realistic I suppose).
B-scope radar MFD: Does not display the radar mode you are in nor does it indicate at which bar the radar is currently scanning (makes it really hard to determine if the radar has finished scanning an area of sky, you have to count in your head…). The DASS MFD does display which bar the scan is at, but ONLY if a target is being tracked, which is pointless, since thats not when you need to know which bar the radar is on… Does not display beam angle relative to nose (though this is seen on the DASS MFD), nor does it display max/min missile range (this is seen on the HUD) or NEZ (missing entirely from aircraft displays it seems???)
DASS MFD: Does not display RWR contact relative altitude, did not seem to display missiles picked up by MAWS (need to test this more to confirm, it DOES display missiles from RWR, just not from MAWS). Range scale seems rather large (I think its 40nmi?) which makes it incredibly cluttered in most situations on WT maps. Having an option to change RWR scale would be nice.
I was also wondering if @Flame2512 or @Gunjob know if the DASS display IRL could be used to slave other sensors to targets (having a movable piper on it like on the B-scope display that would snap the radar to the selected target). The DASS MFD has the info on relevant threats, such as an enemy aircraft locking you, and helps steer the radar due to it displaying the scanned azimuth of the radar overlayed over RWR contacts, but you manually have to find the target in elevation, which can be very difficult if you don’t visually see them, particularly since the RWR has full spherical coverage, so the target could theoretically be anywhere within a 180deg elevation arc and you cant use tricks like pointing a known blindzone towards suspected target location, so the full spherical coverage is a double edged sword atm. Id be surprised if the DASS MFD couldn’t be used to steer other sensors onto targets irl.
MFD’s in general:
- No options for radar beam profile (elevation over range scale, ie radar beam seen from the side) seen above/below Gripen and Rafale radar MFD’s, I seem to remember the EFT does have this option irl but as its own display on the MFD, not as a combined display like the Rafale/Gripen due to having smaller MFD’s.
- No C-scope (elevation over azimuth). Not super important, but could be used to determine relative positions of various targets when used in conjunction with B-scope
HUD: Displays relevant target data when locked such as max/min missile ranges, target range, and target relative velocity, but critically does not appear to indicate NEZ (there is however a lot of stuff on it I don’t seem to know the use for yet, so I need to figure that out…)
HMD: Also does not display NEZ like the HUD.
Overall a ton of potential in the MFD’s and the HUD/HMD, I like them quite a lot, but the missing features/info hurts them quite a bit imo.
Has it really been modified, I played a few rounds and found that Catcher M is still terrible and can barely boot AIM120