The KH series are never in enough numbers to stop a single Pantsir or Tor from just shooting down the incoming ordnance. The fire and forget only lets the launch aircraft escape if the aircraft is fast enough to get out of range. There are scenarios where it can launch from beyond the reach of the SAM’s if the airframe performance is high enough… and for the generation 4+ airframes that is no problem.
This study must be outdated or inaccurate then, because what I stated is a known fact.
Given the fact that Su-34 almost never faces Pantsir. this is kinda irrelevant. Given the main SPAAs it does face all the time like ADATS have a max effective range barely 8km. KH-38 is more than enough to deal with it, even with the worlds worst pilot.
Tor just takes 1-2 KH-38s to kill as well, which is more than enough for the Su-34s 6.
The greatest problem is that the only nation with effective SPAA is the soviets and the nation with the best AGMs by a significant margin is the soviets.
Sounds like you’re not going to be sharing any proof then
Why not remove ir and tv guidance from kh38m on ground battles? It would allow them to still exist, but only as a one off weapon.
It was the reason like this why people don’t like Soviet main
RU able to get broken a*s stuff for whatever reason and it always fine
Other want the same stuff? It instantly gonna break balance according from god know who?
I really wonder since Russia become standard for the game balance?
MICA’s are better in 0-10km distances and usual GRB engagements are still in 10-15km which makes Amraam’s effectively more useful.
You keep forgetting that EFT carries more countermeasures then both F16 and Rafale while having better flight performance, which increases your survivability a lot.
Seems like you misunderstood completely, Gaijin can give F&F weapons to EFT and it will be fine in my book considering im using my German EFT with my Leopard line-up.
Difference is that i accept that EFT does everything better than other planes except having F&F munitions and in my book it doesnt need it, if it recieves however it will be welcome addition.
Why do you always talking about Russia when other nations also does have F&F munitions?
It seems you’re obsessed with Russia.
And what will happen once Gaijin adds more advanced SPAA systems to other nations? Cause at that point you guys will loose your only complain about KH38 and not to mention other nations also does have F&F munitions that can be safely fired from ranges.
SU34 is not special in that case, you guys need to accept the fact that SU34 isnt the main problem, ıts the Pantsir.
If Russia didnt have Pantsir (which you can still easily counter) this discussion wouldnt take a part in the first place.
Oh, you just know it now?
I thought you know it long ago
Thanks to them i never enjoy tanks again because of god damn KH-38
At first i thought you were joking but it seems you were not.
Let me tell you this obsession will cause your mental health at some day.
Thats not true and we both know that, other nations also have F&F munitions and i still enjoy tanks despite getting killed by them.
Maybe it already is when Average match GRB for me it looks like this
yeah, but other nation doesn’t get handheld by their SPAA with TWS and 18KM missile that able to intercept incoming AGM, right? (And Pantsir came out shortly after Harrier GR7 too lol)
other need jet to do the job while they don’t and SPAA is cheaper than jet, yet they do the job just fine they don’t need to shoot down jet they can just shooting incoming AGM is enough
yeah, and i’m pretty sure Russia still doing fine even Brimstone get LOAL if not it well deserves.
First of all other nations Spaa’s can also intercept incoming missiles.
My KH38’s has been intercepted multiple times by enemy spaa’s.
Enemy jet can always go back to rearm and do the same thing until enemy spaa either runs out of ammunition or gets killed by multiple fired ordinance, sure Pantsir is much better than any other Spaa but it can be also get killed by same principle.
Problem isnt just Russia, its the other nations as well, Imagine you’re spawning in EFT and immediately firing 18 Brimstone’s that has mMW and LOAL feature, enemy team will just get annihilated instantly, if Russia is on your side it will be even more broken due to SU34’s and Pantsir.
So we agree that Su34 isnt the problem but Pantsir is, eventually other nations will also recieve Spaa’s that has similiar performance, you can also counter Pantsir easily with any top tier jet if you know what you’re doing.
The Typhoon’s current AoA limit is slightly more than twenty four degrees, approximately the same as an F-16. The new changes are expected to increase the limit to at least 34 degrees which will give pilots in combat a many more possibilities for nose-pointing*.*
Unlike Pantsir it very hard to do multiple direction because they don’t even have TWS
Allied vs RU/CN team setting in GRB will solve this problem instantly so there will be no Brimstone Slinger on RU team
Until then game pretty much force me to play Air RB 2.0
I will say though, as a ITO-90 main (2nd best SPAA imo), the KH38 give a more “fragile” lock. You lock them, 5 to 8km out, and the lock will just drift and fade away for no reason. By the time you reaquire, they are 1-2km out and it’s already too late. It happens quite randomly : sometimes it does, sometime it doesn’t.
That’s something i never experienced with Brimstones, AS30’s or Mavericks
How do we know this?
Every source I have seen has shown the opposite.
Even Pantsir cannot engage multiple munitions from multiple directions effectively.
Yeah but thats not a feature isnt it? Also what would China do in that case? You’re only looking for a way to demolish Russia instead of thinking about overall game health, now i know KH38’s are quite the problem but if what you’re saying become true it will be even more broken than it already is.
That does for any other nation that doesnt have Pantsir buddy, its not something special to UK.
I’ve never intercepted KH38’s with my Spaa’s so i dont know how it works but judging my experience with SU34 so far many Spaa’s manage to intercept my missiles from 4-12km’s without too much issue.
Real problem starts when it fire more than 2 KH38’s, due to their speed enemy Spaa usually cannot intercept multiple missiles at once but once an enemy ITO actually managed to intercept my 3 KH38’s in row, guess he was either lucky or was a very good Spaa player.
Eventually he died tho.
So between myself and MiG_23M…we have given multiple sources that shows the flight model of the Eurofighter is not accurate.
You have given 0 sources. No information at all.