Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

I think this is just an indicator of how silly the air spawn for CAS in ground RB is once you get to higher tiers.

It’s almost as silly as allowing everyone to spawn attack helicopters and fully equipped airplanes for their first spawn in Ground SB.

So why is the solution to a bad gameplay mechanic to double and triple down on it and make sure that the best fighter in the game is also twice as good as CAS as the next best dedicated CAS thing?


As per usual?

You are posting pilot talking isn’t really valid and you haven’t disprove much of what fireball has said or what i said about its ISR

Strange that you mention keeping the UK as busted as possible as it seems you are the one who has a issue with the Eurofighter with more biased view

You can misrepresented the AMK all you want and ignore my.points but nothing has really been proven on the AoA other the what you are suggesting doesn’t make sense due to it not being able to do the ISR that it should have.

Also bear in mind for the second time now that at the end of the day almost all the modern Fly by wire aircraft in game will overperform in AoA due to the removal of G limits in game

Also ban evading much

I see no further discussion with the guy who tries to use DCS footage to buff the Su-27 is going to help anyone
(The guys on the Russian forums manged to find something out about the flanker to get it buffed anyway which is great on them)

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My man you’re still ignoring the fact US has 6x AGM-65Ds at 10.7 in GRB and that’s the only IR-missile slinger at that BR to my knowledge.
I guess that’s fine by you as long as it isn’t Russia.

I did fly A-10A late before sure it had X6 MAV-D but it isn’t really that easy to use due to the very lack of zoom camera by the time you see target you already at 2S6 or other SPAA range
for me Jagaur GR1A did it better even they have ways less air to ground ordnance, but it can operate out of SPAA range around it BR without problem

If you switch to thermal mode you can easily detect enemy units with Mavericks camera.

I was doing the same thing with F4F ICE and had no issues.

Jaguar GR1A cannot operate outside Spaa range with those Gbu’s, at least easily.

Even at its br it will face Tunguska which can easily intercept those slow bombs and can push Jaguar outside if its effective range, not to mention if you slighlty get uptier you will face Tor-M1.

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The amount of people wrongly saying that F&F ordinance being good and the amount of people screaming Pantsir is relevant makes my blood boil

Before recent additions of EGBU and paveway 4 china had literally the most broken air to ground with IOG (later GPS) laser bombs of the 250kg variety with france having double tap IOG nord + bomb combo.

Even mentioning mavs in conversation is laughable when they are literally being outperfomed in flight by actual bomb with rocket booster

F&F (including with currently completely not working IOG which everybody still thinks exist) is not and has never been the answer since 27k got introduced to this game. In SRE spaa has never since had a chance

So one of the test pilots…who works for the company that makes the plane…test flies the plane…and is being interviewed about the AMK modification who says that its AoA limit is around 25 degrees is not a valid source? Also a CFD study that also shows the effects on the plane with and without the AMK is also not a valid source?

So what is a valid source? British mains just saying “trust me bro it’s the best ever”?

This is the exact same thing that happened when people pointed out how the Gripen was overperforming.

AoA limitations are not G limitations and AoA limitations are already somewhat implemented in the game.

Is this DCS footage?

You mean the ones where he doesn’t mention the exact AoA and says under a heavy load which is what the AMK it meant for in use with heavy loads

The F16 g limits work by limiting its AoA to limts the G so they are related

Thanks for this

It’s mentioned directly in the article. It’s also shown in the study mig23 posted.

No. They are two separate limitations. There is no situation where the F-16 or any other plane is doing a 9G 25+ AoA turn.

It’s AoA limited due to its design.

It’s not DCS footage.

They often hit friendlies too, so many times I have been smashed by a Su-34 on my team just trying to spunk it’s load,g%20command%20with%20the%20AOA

Seems it has an AoA limit that limts the Gs

Just here to restate that the TWS on this radar is still completely unusable.

It tracks targets that do not exist, and does NOT track targets that ARE there.
Just now It couldnt find an F15 right in front of me but somehow tracked a ghost like 20km above it.


Something tells me that you didn’t read the study. Not just the fact that you can’t cite anything from it…but also because the link for reading it is dead.

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Works for me

100% and ACM mode likes to switch to IR mode and then glitch out, forcing you to have to to turn the Radar off and on again!

That’s hilarious

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Camera is good enough.
I also don’t know what did you expect, top tier camera with top tier ordnance at 10.7 ?

I’m pretty sure you’d lose your mind if A-10A was a part of an another tree, but since it isn’t I guess it’s fine.

Jaguar has only two bombs that aren’t even FnF and has two 9Gs for self defense lol.


Your hate really is becoming unhealthy i think.

Okay here the truth since A-10 is not the reason for what forced me into Jet fighter in GRB
yeah, it fine at least deals with them it’s not hard because they don’t handheld by Pantsir not much annoying compared to SU-34 that every god damn times i go to deal with them i always get fire upon by Pantsir wasting my time by the times i finally get to them two or three of my teammates are dead already when i can save them thanks to a god damn pantsir have you ever think how annoying was it?

I would rather the jag over the A-10