What would be the difference between F&F Mavericks, KH-38 or Brims? I just don’t get your point.
No, 16 missiles with IR would still be insane. Also gaijin stated that they won’t add it with IR because it never had IR and limited it to laser because it had laser.
Well, they said Brims are mmw guided able to LOAL and can’t defeat by smoke
but i really don’t see why they just make it IR+IOG like KH-38
The fact you get 16, also to me it feels like the brimstones are superior to maverick flight model wise, damage wise too, still not as good as kh.
Well, right now we have 0 viable ground weapons. Maybe there would be something in between? Cause 4 - 6 IR F&F + IOG’s are like 1000x better than 16 laser guided ordnance.
Dont merge with the Typhoon, fly around and ambush it cannot dogfight unless its 1 v 1
I am fairly certain I remember Smin saying what we have in game is the Brimstone 2 locked to SAL because the Brimstone 1 didn’t have SAL homing.
It’s already been said to you. Because it never had IR
No, the brimstone we have in game is the Brimstone Dual Mode which is a brimstone 1 with added SAL because it was needed in Afghanistan
I might be mistaken with what he is saying.
He means that it’s Brimstone (1) Dual Mode that is locked to using SAL guidance only. Brimstone 2 has an improved motor that comes with increased speed and range.
Its just a bit confusing with Brimstone versions.
Brimstone 1 is mmw only
then they needed man-in-the-loop functionality for them to enable them to operate in Close-air-support missions in operations in the middle east so upgraded them with a laser seeker which was refered to as Brimstone Dual-mode (but still technically a brimstone 1) this is what we have in game, just with most of its guidance modes disabled.
Then you had Brimstone 2s which replaced the motor for 200% increased range but maintained the dual-mode seeker but was always just refered to as brimstone 2
then brimstone 3 upgrades the IOG, battery life and a few other bits.
So what we have is like Brimstone 1.5
Stop spamming sth that has already been answered
Edit: very funny false flagging for spam
Because the Brimstone was never IR guided?
At that point you’re just inventing a weapon that never existed.
The best solution for FnF Brimstones would be make them radar guided but nerf the radar’s ability.
- Don’t allow lock on after launch, make it lock on before launch.
- Don’t allow it to see through smoke, purely for balance, even if its not realistic.
At that point it would be radar guided but would act very similar to IR guided munitions.
I believe Brimstone III also features a proxy fuse
If only the target pod would allow to turn a bit away from the battlefield. But unfornately the target laser just works in a forward arc, forces you to fly into Pantsir or other Sam fire.
Laser pointing is a thing around BR 10.7, you occasionally see jets around this BR bracket using GBUs with success. As soon as more advanced SPAAs are aviable (Pantsir and some others), it becomes obsolete. Even without presence of SPAA’s this mechanic just slows you down. A Suchoi or Mav carrier locks’n’shot at several targets within seconds. Often resulting in multi kills. The laser mechanic is like lock ‘n’ waaaaiiiiit …you might just attack targets one by one. F&F is just the upper league and any jet without just can’t get top ground BR or even higher like the EF.
Technically some tanks already have a hard counter to mmW missiles. Issue is it is very few of them.
That’s true, however, even with APS and the Eurofighter having 18 missiles you have enough to launch several at each tank and overwhelm their APS.
For example, Trophy only has two shots before it has to reload, so just fire three Brimstones at once.
Just need 5 BNs driving in convoy with each other everywhere, perfect defence