Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

This alone can make RU main lose their mind can’t imagine how chaos in forum gonna be

It would just make the life of tank players even worse. CAS does not need any more weaponry until really good SPAA has been added for all nations.

Russian mains aren’t the only ones that would suffer from CAS buff.

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I think some mod addressed it a while back but many nations don’t have true SPAA past a certain point so we’d have to get multi-chassis systems and idk how practical those are in WT’s landscape

Well they had best AA
They’ll be fine
That why i said put east vs weat is the solution when best CAS vs best AA
If Pantsir have more than two braincell they would able to intercept incoming AGM just fine other AA without TWS can’t do that

That best AA can still be dodged, from what I’ve heard.

Not if you spam munitions.

The last thing CAS needs is to be better. I refuse to believe that anyone asking for it genuinely wants the game to be balanced and enjoyable for all players.

Think of the poor tankers who now have to be wrecked by CAS even harder.


What you do expect? AA that can’t be dodge?
when i mean best it had combination of guns missile range and radar

Pantsir have 12 missile ready to fire it more than enough it intercept spamming AGM unless you encounter madman that ready to send all 18 brimstone to one pantsir just because they hate Pantsir which unlikely to encounter such as madman

I’m just against better CAS being added because it will make top tier even worse for anyone not flying a plane, or shooting a plane down.

It will eventually come, but we need vastly better AA before that happens.

Well, GER should have the same treatment like every other nation in the game…

Anyway, is the AIM120 TTI radar symbology reserved for RB only?
I do get 120’s TTI symbology in RB test, but not in SB, so is this a known issue, or a “feature”?

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Don’t forget that Pantsh8t can use gun to, not limited on missile only.


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In many match I never use single brimstone for a single target. Because this missile only have 10kg HE filler. Normal people will use 3 Brimstone for single target. Even I use 6 missile for Pantsh8t because how garbage this brimstone. So this missile only work for 4-6 target (if not dead while maintain the laser designator every several second)

Because ccrp not helping that much…

you mean this?

I meant on the radar overlay. In RB I get lines connected to the target, representing distance/TTI and a target’s pitbull(?) circle, but not in SB. In SB I only get radar reading on a “friendly IFF”, ie. missile in front of me, but not much else. I do get notch over the target denoting that the target has been fired upon in both RB and SB.

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Works fine for me

On which settings do you play?
ULQ perhabs?

No, everything High/Max, except AA and that stuff.

You mean the line which show the Missile and there range for swithing to its own radar?

Yeah, but now I figured what’s wrong. I’ve been shooting 120s within the pitbull range, so no symbology, duh. :D When launched from afar it comes on. However, when I change the radar scale, that symbology doesn’t reappear.

First I’d like to mention that I completely agree that Germany did not need a “tide over” in the way of a Gripen or an F16.

But that is solely because of the MiG 29G.

The ICE upon release was anything but “usable”.

It is, a radar with 4 AMRAAMS mounted to it. It exists only as long as it remains unfavourable to shoot at. The very secobd a red players brain registers that it is there, it is dead.

The ICE at its original matchmaker was, as DEFYN eloquently put it, “Abysmal dog…”

And I completely agree with that assesment.

Currently its not much better. In a downtier its strong because it gets to shoot AMRAAMS at 12.0 planes but plenty of jets at thar BR outfly it handily still. The ONLY ARH carrying jet I rate worse than ICE is the Viggen D.

But now in a full uptier to 14.0 it gets to fightbour new shiny eurofighters and Rafales.

Thank the snail for the Eurofighter.

Even with CAPTOR TWS being completely un usable. Even with the contstantly going on discussion about PIRATE. Even with the weight, with the 8 or 6 AMRAAMS and with all the other things.

It is the single best thing I have ever gotten to fly in this game.

It’s better than all other ARH slinger at 13.0.

FA2, AV-8B+, Viggen, J-8F, F-14A, F-14B and Mig-29SMT and equal to the F3 Late at 13.3