And you know that with 31 SB air kills?
Really? GER players do <5% WR because they’re dumb?
Someone give this human a Darwin’s medal. :D
And you know that with 31 SB air kills?
Really? GER players do <5% WR because they’re dumb?
Someone give this human a Darwin’s medal. :D
Imma be real, a new missile won’t do shit for ger win rates.
Most games i lose with germany is either because enemy is russia+whatever minor nation/s (swe mostly) or we get america (there’s a lot of new premium players) on our team, you rarely lose on germany when paired with russia.
Poor win rates are mostly about the matchmaker or low level premium users than your delusion of germany having overtiered 2nd grade equipment.
this isnt even a sim discussion first of all,
and you clearly know nothing about IRIS-T or are outright delusional if you think its justified
He’s referring to Sim not GRB.
In that, low Germany win rates are purely because Redfor have been at a disadvantage for the past 6 months. But with EFT for Germany and Rafales 50% of the time. Win-rates will start to equalize. Likely a competitive soviet jet in March and then it will even out completely.
(and even then winrates are a really bad metric for Sim, because bleufor jets just have better multirole ability and not necessarily a good indicator of PvP performance)
Just glad the CAPTOR is atleast somehwat being worked on still.
Maybe we might even get CAPTOR- M in the future since the current CAPTOR- L is almost entirely useless. Especially in BVR
Oh my bad, i didn’t notice. I play a lot of sim too but only for grinding event score which the ef-2000 is more than capable at, so i go in expecting to lose money but grind the event in 1-2 hours.
Actually, I do talk about SB.
If you don’t know that, why responding?
Really, but you do? With 31 AirSB kills?
again, performance in a gamemode i barely play doesnt mean i know nothing about a specific weapon.
this is not a sim thread, and regardless of gamemode IRIS-T would be beyond broken
Yeah, Germany does fine these days with the EFT, can easily fight the British EFTs and F-15Es. I find the winner of the match is usually who can obtain air superiority over the other teams AF first causing rage quits. Can snowball matches really quickly
Which is exactly what I was expecting, maps are too small for decent gamepaly in these aircraft
Yeah they really should hurry adding sam systems like patriots/s300 so you should have to do some sead before you can camp af
It means you don’t know how will that weapon perform in the gamemode you don’t play.
No, but I’m talking about SB.
You’re not require to comment.
literally anyone with any semblance of understanding of 5th gen IR missiles would tell you that IRIS-T would be absolutely broken in sim, rb, and ab
Im not really sure that would be the right fix. But the issue is, even if you are shot down, you can get back to enemy AF too quickly. What we need is a doubling of the current map sizes. Actually add some travel time to the current maps. Combine with forward SAM/radar sites that require some SEAD before getting close to the AFs and the matches should be a lot more interesting.
Thoguh I do also really hope that when Soviets and China get EFT equivalents, we get some new nation line-ups. Typhoon vs Typhoon is really boring
Literally, you don’t think the game is already broken if ANY side has a WR of <5%?
This game needs fixing…10 years ago. Platitudes don’t help anymore.
where do you even get these numbers from?
and german eft balances it out now
Why is its BR for Ground RB +1 BR over any aviable ground vehicle?
Its air to ground armament ist not stellar. No F&F, nothing like a 40km range ATGM etc… Its whole armament is just laser guided with mediocore range. Stuff we’ve got already at lower BRs.
The plane is CAS is very good even without fire and forget
Lobbing Mavericks is just 100% better than anything EF2000 offers. Holding laserlocks is meh.
Me when i murder the Su34 and Paveway IV the tank just fine
It is quite good if you are having issues that a you issue
Why’s that, we have proof it met the requirements, meaning it needs to Atleast be > the requirement values, and the EFA data is missing thrust will will impact the sustained rate more than the 800kg mass difference