Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

that report is bullshit

Woah reading it back I realize he said the Su-30SM jammed the F-35, not the other way around.

Yeah total BS, maybe believable if it was the other way around

Italian pilot commented that he lost systems and had to restart.

How Su-30 has intercepted the F-35: “He came almost out of nowhere” - Modern Diplomacy

that pilot doesnt exist. he’s a fraud. its the same guy who said he needed medical attention due to fear or some bullshit like that after said altercation. its literally propaganda

Maybe, there are plenty of other articles. I would imagine now it would be refuted.

If it needs to be that close to the target aircraft the jammer isn’t of any use.

How many articles said the Ghost was real too?

I saw the video of the “intercept” there is a lot of questions to be made with the cuts. It is also odd how we only get 1 name. Not a rank or anything else it is very odd and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Either way this is off topic.

How many people believed the Ghost was real, the issue even now if UA hadn’t confirmed it was nonsense and tried to peddle DCS footage as the “Ghost” it would likely still be taken as absolute truth.

ECM is very relevant to Typhoon, Rafale, F-35 and Su-27/30/35 etc Sooner or later it will be added.

ECM should’ve been added years ago.

But well… that would involve NATO stomping on Russian radars…

All of the systems for Eurofighter that are delayed are usually done so because the enemy they are meant to fight does not exist. The Russian equipment has not posed a considerable enough threat to warrant any of them - even the fighter itself.

Thanks for agreeing the articles existing don’t mean what they say is what happened.

ECM technically already exists in WT. SU-25 and SU-39

Isn’t that irccm? Like the ir jammer behind their air craft.

And F-15E, F-15C, F-16, F-18 (soon hopefully), F-22, and every single US service fighter past 1991 (there are cold war example but it wasn’t EVERY fighter)

IRCM is an form of ECM.

Technically true but not what most ppl think of when ECM is mentioned

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Yeah it’s not what they think of but ECM is a bubble like HMDs.

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Also on the Ka-52, but that’s not the ECM players want. IRCM is pretty rudimentary when we look at actual ECM suites


How would ECM be implemented in WT?

It’s coming eventually (as well as better stealth tech), so what would that entail?

Imagine you are the radar. Ideally you would be aware of your surroundings and understand/process them well. With ECM, it would be like waking up so tired you forget where you are for a second and your head feels foggy for a bit, but the feeling would last as long as the EW does

weaponised gaslighting


Is that another way to describe it or did I screw up my analogy really bad