There were a Lot of bug reports for CAPTOR. Not sure how many are left and what was worked on. But as stated, Gaijin has “no data” on it, and so its their word vs ours on what CAPTOR can do, and we will lose that
A fair few bug reports open. When they get fixed is unknown given the holiday season. Likely not until the new year,
It being 3 nations top tier doesnt really mean much, there are Gripen bug reports still yet to be fixed that are over a year old now.
In what way IS it worse than F15A, btw? Whats most obvious?
General dogfighting capability. The f15a will usually out rate you once you get slow due to the better energy retention. Prior to that it’s basically an even fight, but the f15a can do more at more speeds than the eurofighter. Eurofighter is apparently missing both some itr and str though, so it would explain some things. Obviously the better missiles gives the eurofighter an advantage but in a guns only fight its surprisingly even or even lopsided against the eurofighter rn. F16a pretty much runs circles around you as well, at least min fuel vs min fuel. You have to go for energy traps or you will die in the eurofighter, which really shouldn’t be the case but whatever. I also haven’t flown it super extensively and i’m not a duelist, it’s just my $0.02.
Whole radar section, tracking, TWS, scan patterns, Bars, automation… having 1/ 3 of stuff from manual would significantly improve Captor-m
If you’re losing to an F-15A in a Eurofighter, something seriously has gone wrong. The EF can and will one circle the ass out of the Eagle at pretty much all speeds. As for the two circle, the fight is much closer with the onus on the EF pilot not to bleed too much energy thanks to the delta setup. In essence though, aside from the radar and potentially some TWR/Thrust numbers, the EF trumps the F-15A.
I agree with this as the F-16A flight model is a UFO and overperforming. Not even the MiG-29A with it’s un-nerfed flight model would beat it in an extended dogfight. You’d have to get the Viper into a very low speed state to abuse the superior nose authority on the EF.
I don’t agree that the Eurofighter is worse than the F-15A overall.
I was referring to a guns only fight, which is how i compare flight models. Sure you can win one circle if you go into manual, but you bleed all of your speed super quickly and then they can out rate you. Plus the aim required for that kind of shot is quite a bit more difficult than actually pulling somone into the hud from behind, especially with the garbage sight in the eurofighter. I’m referring to sim if that helps? In rb, the instructor carries you enough that pulling a one circle shot would be quite easy.
@Smin1080p_WT is there any plan to make the radar MAWS actually function like a radar system?
If I’m not mistaken, it currently gets blocked by clouds, which is just hilariously wrong
Oh that makes all the difference lol. I don’t do SB and can’t comment. From my experience flying in customs and limited ARB with the EF, only Rafales really give me trouble.
Nothing we don’t already know, again, not useful.
Interesting that Mig29G hmd is better at target acquisition than the Eurofighter. Hopefully this isn’t a “not a bug” report as the captor M is of the best mechanical scan radars in the world.
It’s a clear marketing lie, idk what you are talking about
Yep. The problem for us is quantifying that in order or Gaijin to actually do something about it.
They’ll ask. How much better is it and in what way? You’ll say, I dont know everything on CAPTOR is classified. Gaijin will then say: Tough luck, heres your blue vixen though lmao!
Any update for Ghost Catcher? Atleast scan pattern…
For now nothing
How do I got about finding reliable info for things like the Eurofighter? Not classified of course.
Search archives. Looking up trial reports.
Thank you
Np finding things related to the eurofighter will be hard though. Most is classified surprisingly well with how many nations were involved with its development.
I will commit treason as soon as I can