Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Agreed. Simply “Eurofighter (Tranche 2 Block 10)” is a much better, more pleasant naming scheme.
A jet of this artistic relevance needs the proper name to match.

They devs have already reviewed all of that part and there are no plans to change that part of the name. The skin is the current focus to correct.

going back and changing all the pointers and files names would take way too long ;)

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Hey Smin,

Wouldnt u rather prefer PELE-T over the PT practice rounds as well?

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Given the CR3TD is still called the CR2_Megatron in the files or something to that effect. Its fine :D

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(this is a sentence)

Can we get an update on the this report? This is a simple fix.

just saying there is naming mods for that

oh wait console guy xD

Maybe it helps to know which rails TMC is using; if its using LAU-127 / -128, it should be possible to take MRAAMs as well as SRAAMs. (also how we got 8x AIM-120 on F-15J(M))

Okay so we need to find the coolest number for a T2 jet. Anyone got that cool list with all eurofighter numbers again?

if its using MFRL then… well same thing lol

Currently in the files the double pylon is the same as for the Sidewinder


98+07 )))

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i mean for the cockpit button displays n stuff. its got a very specific custom pixel font

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Well if this was their decision i have alot to say, but i will just save your time and simply say that i respect that decision and understand it.

If the devs want to create an accurate skin to mach the Tranche 2 Block 10 they want to add to the game then they have all the info they need in the bug report and if they want to change the skin i recommend to change it to Eurofighter 31+11 it’s a Tranche 2 and most likely a Block 10 with Brimstone and fit perfectly in what the devs want.

And I hope this message reach them


I think someone has taken something I said ages ago and through Chinese whispers it’s ended up as something else. I said I had found the channel losses of the EAP (which IIRC were something like 3% or 4%) and speculated that due to the similarity in intake design you might be able to infer the intake losses of Eurofighter from it.


The whole font is pixelated there

It’s called 2_LEP
OES is called Megatron

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I honestly don’t get this… changing its designation should be much easier than changing the skin, and with the Rafale having been configured into the F4.1 variant (DOI 2023), having a T3A Eurofighter would make a bit more sense timeline wise (DOI 2016+ iirc).

I doubt T3A’s are also going to be added in the future, since the only difference between them and the T2B10 would be uh… missiles, namely IRIS-T and better AMRAAMs, however I think those, along with the Meteor, will be reserved for Tranche 4 aircraft as they also bring in AESA radars.

But alright, fair enough.