Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

EF2000 dont have pod for flare and chaff

How does it carry 400 flares and chaff then it must have BOL pods?

buddy, the problem is that gajin until now was to lazy to model the bol pods


U did a report for the general effectiveness of the BOL, do you might want to redo your report in regards to the euros? this might the devs to actualy give it a quicker look

And here @Flame2512 one which could be redone

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It’s worse than the Gripens radar isn’t it? But PS/05-A is based on Blue Vixen and older, smaller, less powerful etc.

I believe the BOL for the EF2000 is built in with its MAWs.

Did you not mean to ping @Flame2512

From what I understand, at the moment, The Gripen litereally have C&P Blue Vixen. IRL it was basically the same but given some upgrades like A2G modes

but at the moment, Id say CAPTOR-M is worse than Blue Vixen

I fumbled my copy pasta

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Eurofighter engines to inefficent and it can carry less fuel as it is capable of


Eurofighter Empty wheigt is too much


Pretty ceerain thats already a report

What? First off the EJ200s have a TSFC of 1.83 in WT currently.

10820kgf x2 21640. This uses 660kg/min. x60 that’s 39600kg/h.
1.83 TSFC.


5970kgf x2 = 11940kgf.
You claim 158,12kg/min. x60 that’s 9487kg per hour.
9487 / 11940kgf is a TSFC of 0.794.

The dry thrust fuel consumption is correct.

Anyone know if it should have an HMD IFF like the Rafale or the A-10C?

I beleive so, but HMD is a massive WIP at the moment, so will probably have to wait for live for that

According to what

According to this:

Here are the screenshots:


1 minute recording, 660kg used.

Here’s a NASA page about the equation:

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I saw the math, what is the source suggesting that it should be 1.8

Already reported and accepted: Community Bug Reporting System

Already fixed
As stated by Flame.

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