Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Like the Leopard 2PSO. Requested since years. Unfortnately for top tier stuff, the time of beeing added is an important thing. It defines whether an addition might be good or just “interesting”. The PSO 3 years ago, after its A5 base model, would have been great…now its a bit odd with eye-cancer gen1 thermals, less mobility and lotsa anti heat armor…while unlike 3 years ago…Heat became totally uncommon.

Phantom vs. Eagle would be “very interesting”

Then the whole Ger comm would moan again and Gajin is woundering why, since they finally added a jet which was wished since years. Unfortnately too late to be somehow good.

Yeah, was like the F3.

But at least for both, they i think have very good radars. SHAR FA2’s Blue vixen is akin to the Radar in the F-15. So maybe hold a single strength there. Though im hoping theyll add Aim-120Bs to high performance jets like F16 and Aim-120C to low performance jets like Shar Fa2 and F4. Would also explain the PL12 on the J8F devpost.

I was hoping theyd be the first with Aim9M or equivalent but that ship has sailed

and that cant happen because the “lesser performance” ones were unarmed and the armed ones had the same flight performance as production units

A ahistorical compromise might be needed. The Yak141 solution

just that in the yak’s case it was for its benefit.
you’d have to neuter it so much that its just gonna be worth adding.
the early prototypes with tornado engines had almost the same performance anyways (engines of the tornado f.3)

I think that there is a balance that could be struck so that it could be added early 2024 without being completely broken and considering both Germany and Britain are stuck with Gen 3s, even heavily upgraded Gen 3s. Its gunna suck, i think its needed. Otherwise

Quite frankly, i think theres a good chance the Eurofighter comes earlier than expected and in a hyper nerfed state.

That would be pretty typical of gaijin, particularly since the Eurofighter doesnt have any widely available public performance figures such as the teen series jets, which makes bad modelling supremly easy for them to do since nobody can contest it with anything more than maybe a few secondary sources and pilot word of mouth.

One of the things I expect the most actually is seeing the EF2000 be trash in the energy retention/rate fighting because of the whole “deltas suck at right fights” thing ppl believe, despite the fact the Eurofighter is likely one of the best rate fighters, if not the best, ever made, and that its energy retention, particularly on early variants, was literally considered a disadvantage by pilots as it was extremely difficult to bleed speed when you wanted to, which is what led to things such as the AMK kit to allow it much higher nose authority even at those high speeds.

Granted its also very likely the EF2000’s come late to all 3 nations ingame which operate them AND in a nerfed state because the only nation whos positive performance matters in WT is russia anyways

Im currently predicting Q1-Q2 next year. But I seriously hope its before then. As far as I am aware. Britain, Germany and Italy all have 1 good (I dont necessarily mean strong, I mean a clean, easy addition with no prototype fudging) addition left. After that, the options become limited. (Ground attackers for Britain for example)

My current theory is F4F-ICE for Germany, Sea Harrier FA2 for Britain (if they had any common sense, these and 1 or 2 others like the J8-F would get Aim-120C or equivalent and everyone else would get Aim-120B) and a later F-16 Variant for Italy this month. Then Dec to be a larger update, maybe adding F-15s and Su-27s and a few other bits. Then early update next year, maybe March to add the Typhoon.

But I really hope im wrong and we get Typhoon this year. A mega update in Dec that adds something for everyone (entirely possible to do) might be something Gaijin does to end the year on as high a note they can possibly muster. Especially after the year War Thunder has had. Things like Typhoon or a later F-15 would certainly do that for many an “in case of emergency break the glass”.

The way I see it, there are two big things confirmed this year and two patches left. I’m guessing one will be focused on Rank 8 ground and the other will be focused on fox 3s (presumably this being next patch). Therefore, I doubt an F15/Su27 will show up this year given that the F16C and Mig29SMT are already fox 3 capable and that I don’t think Gajin would want to overshadow Rank 8 ground (presumably in December) with an F15/Su27.

I’d also like to add that although Britain and Sweden are confirmed to have new top tier jets this year (most likely next patch), I have doubts on the F-4F ICE coming at the same time given Germany’s track record of top tier additions and the lack of any confirmation of a new top tier German fighter coming this year. But who knows, maybe Gaijin will surprise us.

F-15 is coming because Japan needs a 12.3 - 12.7 aircraft, and that’s the only option until AESA bois at 13.0+.
Germany’s track record for top additions is fast. So of course F-4F ICE is coming, and is of no surprise.
What would be surprising is if it wasn’t finished in time. Its radar is in-game on AV-8B+ after all.
Cockpit & weapons are the major things that’s left.

the f-4f ice still we be one of the worst fox 3 carriers. The Airframe just is completly outdated at this point and the f18 radar realy wont help it all to much once the match goes into the furball like always. I imagine it still will be br wise lower then other fox 3 carriers with superior airframe like f16,f15, mig variants etc, which will be useless since everything gets sucked into top tier

ARHs are the great equalizer.
No, F-4F ICE can’t dogfight a Typhoon, and it doesn’t have to.
Just as people learned to do stand-off with GBUs and AGMs, they’ll learn to standoff with ARHs as well.
It’ll still be a ~12.3 aircraft. People forget how powerful the EJ Kai is at 11.7 with “just” 9Ls and 7Fs.

same thing with the tornado advs, the f4f ice, comes to late into the game were it is only sup optimal while everyone else gets way superior equipment. I mean the Barak 2 didnt use sparrows either, could have given the f4f ice around this time already and just give it access to aim 9l / 9L/i and some sparrows until the fox 3 missles come to the game. Like this at least the ICE would have been able to be at least a bit more competitive

Dude, it’s physically impossible for F-4F ICE to be late. It’s the only ARH carrier Germany has before Typhoons at 13.0+, and will have on-par armament.
F-4F ICE cannot use Sparrows, not listed in manual, and it’d be less competitive.

possible additions of other nations are always a possible solution, polish, netherland f16 or one of the plenty tested /evaluated vehicles that have the same basis as the japanis f16, / even have more ground then it since they actualy were flewn 1. F-15B [Evaluated in 1982 by WTD 61]
2. F-15E [Tested at the ILA-2018 exhibition, to replace the Tornado strike aircraft]
3. F-20A [Evaluated in 1983 by WTD 61]
4. F/A-18B [Evaluated in 1982 by WTD 61]
5. F/A-18E Super Hornet [Tested at the ILA-2018 exhibition, to replace the Tornado strike aircraft]
6. EA-18G Growler Block II [Tested at the ILA-2018 exhibition, to replace the Tornado strike aircraft]
7. F/A-18F Super Hornet Block III [Tested at the ILA-2022 exhibition]
8. F-16B Block X [Photos no] [Evaluated in 1982 by WTD 61]

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More pictures of German Typhoon with Brimstone

EF Brimstone 3

And one armed with the HOSBO electro-optically guided glide bomb
see my suggestion here



The ej kai gets bodied by everything at top tier and has since the f16/mig29 dropped, just like f4f ice will get bodied.

they’re advertisement pictures abt whats has been or what can be integrated with EF(as examples). they’re not necessarily integrated and the physical ability to carry stuff is kinda useless knowledge as the mounting is standardised across NATO aircraft and weapons(MIL-STD-8591). so technically you can physically mount everything to Eurofighters.

random example: you could take a JASSM-ER and physically mount it to AHDERUs on the inner and centre pylons on the EF(weirdly enough the 1000lbs weight class goes to 1450 lbs and the 2000lbs weight class goes all the way up to 3500lbs lol)… though ig mil-std-1760 standardises the communication between aircraft and weapons as well so the only thing remaining is flight control changes, software integration and store seperation, carriage and jettison testing/certification

For France nation,… not sure other Europeans used MICA’s at all ^^"

Nr1 the table was to show the superiority of the Meteor missle which multiple european nations use

Nr2 U wanna tell me now that france isnt an european nation? U make no sense, since i spoke about them in general nobody even mentioned MICA since we blantly dont care about that missle in this thread